Invalid Report against Alex

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Carned, Jun 28, 2017.

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  1. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    IDK 6 maybe?
    Time of Occurence:
    10:30pm GMT
    Reason For Report:
    Alex loopholed out of a slay and used toxic gameplay to his advantage.

    I wouldn't normally report this but he also has an offence here today (which should be valid btw)

    Video below shows him killing me for throwing a prop into the air then claiming GBA for something that happened approx 1-2 mins before to get out of his slay.

    Screenshots and video below (Excuse typing, music screenshots etc)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Video of the whole round showcasing him using toxic gameplay to loophole out of a slay. (To my knowledge you cannot act on T act you saw 2 mins ago just to kill someone)


    As you can see here his response is used to loophole out of a slay via toxic gameplay.

    @Rauno @Ace-Hardlight and @Kyül were on the server but without the evidence of the full round its a word vs word report.​
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  2. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    Tagging @Alex to explain his actions
  3. Alex

    Alex VIP

    Hello! The reason I killed you was that @SinisterSpoon T Baited me and nearly Killed me and you did nothing whilst I was being shot at, I later killed Sinister and he was a T, I made the conclusion you were a T as well. Personally, I've had a bad experience before and this seems directed, the Mods sorted out the report later and concluded it false. I'll wait for any staff's response on the invalid report.

    By your report, you wrote "kappa" making me think this is a joke report and purposely made to waste Staff's time, thank you..
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Apart from in the video you only decide to kill me the moment I threw the prop and not the other time you passed me?

    You can't pick and choose when you kill for T acts.

    EDIT: I was mistaken over the T acts, however the fact that you pass me multiple times without killing me for "GBA" and only when I throw the prop is toxic gameplay.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  5. Alex

    Alex VIP

    If you read my original post it states..
  6. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Doesn't explain why it took you passing me and watching me pick up the bin and then launching it before you killed me. Suggests you use toxic gameplay to kill people (which is what im reporting you for considering you had MANY chances to kill me for GBA, gba doesnt start applying the moment the other person is the T, you being toxic by applying it as and when you like is toxic gameplay and its very convenient you choose to use that reasoning at such a later point.

    Furthermore this report - was finalised suggesting waiting to kill for a T act is RDM.
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Adding onto this, you threw a barrel at him, and yet I'm supposed to be GBA for not shooting him for "T- baiting" you?

    How many other ways are you going to make this even more toxic?
  8. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Alright. After talking with couple administrators to sort out the situation going on here, I'm going to break this into two sections. 1 for Alex, and another for Carned.

    The question I have to beg is why is there a delay (approximately 1 minute) between the actions of SinisterSpoon and killing of Carned.

    So far, from what we know based on the video and report.
    • You threw explosive barrel at both Carned and SinisterSpoon.
    • SinisterSpoon reacted by shooting back at you for performing a traitorous act (carrying explosive barrels towards people).
    • You killed SinisterSpoon for trying to kill you.
    • Carned chose to not take action to the events going on and chose to leave.
    • You later killed Carned for not helping you out.
    You were warned today by @Theinkern as seen here for toxic gameplay.

    I talked with other administrators to make sure that what you are interpreting is either correct or incorrect.

    This does not validate that your claims of "suggesting waiting to kill for a T act is RDM".

    In fact the only change to GBA is: "The player must have a reasonable opportunity to act upon a traitorous act being committed to be considered GBA." as seen below.

    Thus, the kill is not RDM.

    As for toxic gameplay, we will have to wait and see Alex's response(s).
  9. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    I think it may have been @andrewca79 and his Tmod that handled the report so making sure hes tagged here
  10. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Yup no worries, my main reasoning for the report was toxic gameplay, I can understand the kill being GBA, but to the extent in which it was acted up falls under toxic gameplay and seemed like an excuse to loophole out of a slay for killing me for just the barrel throw.

    As you mentioned the events I witnessed

    This isn't quite accurate as Sinister wasn't killed the moment he shot alex but that's what made it all the more toxic to me is that after claiming GBA, Alex doesn't even killed Sinister at the time he shoots him for the explosive barrel it happens later on, so to claim GBA on me is where a lot of the toxicity falls in my opinion.
  11. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    I checked to make sure. Thanks for clarifying, Carned.

    Alex, can you also explain why you killed @SinisterSpoon later on?

    This old log shows that you never killed SinisterSpoon until 30 seconds later.
  12. Alex

    Alex VIP

    Sorry for the late reply I've just woken up from the mass amount of notifications. As you can see from @Carned's video I followed him for 10/15 seconds to see if he would do something Traitorous due to the GBA. I then later went and followed Sinister and decided to kill him for damaging me before, I don't see an issue with this and I have no valid reasoning to do that then instead of before.. what I don't comprehend is why am I in the wrong for killing someone if they committed a T Act previously in the round, I've looked through the rules and don't see anything that relates to the topic, as I said previously..
    One last thing, may someone explain to me what I was doing to create "toxic gameplay" or "loopholing"?
  13. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    After discussion with another admin, I will be marking this report invalid as one report of this kind of behavior does not warrant toxic gameplay.

    Report: Invalid.
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