A Serious Minecraft server?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by EhhChris, Sep 26, 2016.


How would you feel about an SGM brand Minecraft server?

  1. Get my saddle, this pig needs to be ridden!

    110 vote(s)
  2. I've broken enough 3D blocks, let me just play Gmod forever.

    51 vote(s)
  1. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey everyone.

    This post is kinda one of those "social experiments" all these kids keep talking about these days. Anyway, I've got an important question for the community today. It really all boils down to this: How would you feel about an SGM brand Minecraft server? I don't mean a server like SGM's Gmod servers, I mean a Minecraft server owned by SeriousGmod, the community.

    So it goes like this... This community has branched out to include Deathrun instead of just TTT. We've shown we have the potential to do grow, and reach beyond our original intent. Can we do that again? Do enough of you like Minecraft? Would you play it and love it the same way you play TTT, knifing random strangers in the back, or Deathrun, jumping like you've snorted a metric ton of cocaine?

    Anyway, the premise of said Minecraft server would be similar to that of many a successful Factions server, with the complementary McMMO for that optional grinding sensation some of us like. Or, it could be neither of those, and be born of what the community suggests it uses, should there be enough demand.

    - VoteGoal: Custom plugin by irritatingness to provide EULA-compliant voting rewards
    - irritatingness: A custom plugin that will accumilate fixes for the server as needed. This will be renamed to SeriousMC if our dreams come true.
    - Stats: I know I like to keep track of how many times I've slaughtered my enemies. How about you?
    - Factions: The classic Minecraft territory claiming plugin that spawns wars and likewise alliances
    - FactionChat: Restores the old chat channels for factions. Communicate to conquer.
    - ObisidanBreaker: That unbreakable dark stone no longer makes you invincible. *This has been out of date for a while, and has been restored to working order by irritatingness with the downside that will not work in The End with the new dragon spawning that regenerates Obsidian. This means Factions won't claim in The End.
    - McMMO: THE RPG plugin for Minecraft. As I feel it'd be best, probably altered to only effect PvE with the combat skills like Axes or Swords. This is up for debate.
    - DailyRewards: Everyone needs a daily reminder that free things are cool.
    - Orebfuscator4: No x-ray. Play clean or don't play.
    - NoCheatPlus: Broad anti-cheat. Again, play clean or don't play.
    - CompatNoCheatPlus: Compatibility layer for McMMO. No annoying conflicts.
    - CombatTagPlus: Prevent people from logging out safely during combat. Face your battles.
    - SilkSpawners: Pickup spawners with Silk Touch, fuel your enchanting dreams.
    - EssentialsX: For all of those useful commands that some of us care about.
    - Multiverse: Why limit ourselves to one World when we can have several?
    - Vault: Economy powerhouse. $$$.
    - WorldEdit / VoxelSniper: For those who have to edit the terrain. Obviously not available to everyone!
    - PermissionsEx: For the management of groups & permissions.

    The above list is a rough-draft, and some things are left out (Essentials is really several smaller plugins, similarly with Multiverse, etc). The way the server is developed would be dependent upon what the community wants. Suggestions and requests would be evaluated and implemented in the same way they are for TTT or Deathrun, and I'm fairly handy with Java, so custom requests are welcome, with the cursory warning that I'm a busy dude and I can't crank out plugins like @Machinekiller00 does memes.

    The concept would be to incorporate SeriousMinecraft with the SGM community and expand our horizons to that of a blocky world. This is something I would be developing for Highwon to include in our community, should we be receptive to it, and potentially garner new growth for our community from sources we aren't used to. It's also important to me that SMC would maintain EULA compliance, and provide a fair playing ground for all players, something that many large servers can't provide without sacrificing large profits. It would be great to show the community (and the Minecraft community at large) that it is possible to provide a fun, level experience, and keep it alive for the foreseeable future.

    So let me know what you guys think.
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  2. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    I personally think I disagree. The problem that mainly comes to mind is the fact that when some people are particularly new to modded Minecraft, it could be particularly daunting to figure out what all the mods do suddenly. Now considering you'd also likely need new staff for the servers, You have a problem where rules can be really damning if you're not familiar with how things work. And trying to issue out punishments in game just seems... eh...

    Maybe if it were a creative server at the most you had was protected areas, but with MCMMO and such, alongside everything else? I think It's too much effort for something I'd probably pass over myself.

    EDIT: I forgot also to add: 1.11 is coming out soon too, so unless the server stayed on the older versions, everything could break. But then, you'll likely have to find a way to tell other users to stay on older versions. TTT is pretty simple. Get in, people are evil, some are not. You can join a server and most of the technical stuff is done for you. Deathrun, try not to die and figure out traps along the way. But then trying to use Leveling up, or territory claiming, among other things... It's a huge time investment that I personally would not be willing to make, but I can't speak for anyone else.

    I could imagine it being a huge time investment potentially for others as well, but I can't speak for the rest of the community.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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  3. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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  4. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    Before I fall asleep, I'll respond, just to make a few things a bit more clear.

    All of the plugins listed are just that- plugins. Our server would not require anything extra aside from the Minecraft client. It's definitely not a vanilla experience, but if that's a popular request it's not difficult to offer a vanilla world alongside a more interesting one (imo).

    In addition to that, TTT isn't exactly the easiest game mode to jump into either. We'd have guides for grey areas, and moderation would be minimally required. A well configured Minecraft server really only has to handle harassment and other off the wall situations. All of which our community already handles well.

    Lastly, I appreciate the criticism and willingness to speak up! That's what this post is for. Just feelers before we expend any resources.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  5. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    As far as I was aware, even if the plugins were serverside, I thought they were also version specific. Huh. I guess I was wrong. If it wasn't clear already, I don't play a lot of modded.

    I think maybe it'd be cool to have a creative server myself however. Maybe I'm just sick of Modded survival though. Most I use mods for anyway is stuff like Veinminer and the like.

    I also feel a little compelled to add that I don't think the Obsidian one would be a good idea. Personally. Simply because changing a block's property just seems... strange, to me.

    Another concern would be the players and their load on the server. I'm a pretty Redstone heavy player, and some of the things that you can build in survival, while just fine on my computer, are practically lag generators on weaker servers. So there would also come the question of which server provider to use, how much bandwidth the server can support, and where that money can come from.

    But, hey, thanks for the friendly response. I just don't think it's for me personally, but it remains to be seen the rest of the community's opinions on the matter.
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  6. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I'd prefer if we kept to GMOD for a while before becoming Serious Gaming Community. It would also be nice to have a few more devs to increase the rate at which we can produce new content escpecially if we have to keep people interested in 3 different gamemodes
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  7. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    I would love this, my only issue is that it is way too easy to lose interest in MC. Otherwise ill play.

    also,factions is fun and all, but some other gamemodes are easier and more interesting to others, meaning, it is gonna be a rough start.
    • Like Like x 1
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  8. shanty

    shanty Bronze

    The problem with Minecraft servers is that they require a large amount of people willing to stay committed to the server. If there's only 5 people who are going to play regularly then no one is going to want to play.

    Another problem is that they require a large amount of time to be invested by people (especially the Factions due to people wanting to get high levels in mcMMO) and this may result in people not achieving their required bi-weekly hours. From experience of my old community, once the Minecraft server was setup it was quite popular with the Moderators and Admins causing the Garry's Mod servers to lack in staff which resulted in quite a bit of rule breaking.

    Perhaps a better idea would be (for the time being) to setup a Creative server as suggested by @A Dog. Bark! and based on the results of that server, a decision can be made to continue the Creative server, change it to Factions or simply remove it altogether.
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  9. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I'd play it if addons were included to add longevity to the game, such as factions and stuff.
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  10. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    #TMW I still havent bought Minecraft and have been using a cracked client to play on cracked servers.

    I left Minecraft a while ago, but have actually found myself playing it lately on my playstation. I would love to see this happen. I'll just have to actually buy the game for the first time
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    • Old Old x 4
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  12. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    • Like Like x 2
  13. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Actually Lemoncakes started to host an actual server a bit after that one:

    The reason it failed was mainly because Lemoncakes had little time to help out on the server and during that time Smith didn't exactly know what to add.
    (and also DiamondHunters killing every other faction :whistle::sneaky:)
    • Like Like x 2
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  14. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    Alright, in the spirit of healthy debate and to continue making this transparent, I'm gonna objectively reply to some of these.

    Version updates, like almost all other games are a part of the cycle. New updates are not a bad thing in most cases as it adds content to the game which we don't have to develop. As far as the server breaking, most plugins (including the ones I develop) are written in such a way that they will not break, even during major updates, unless a piece of the API they use changes. In the case of a major API change, most, if not every, plugin we use is either open source or developed in-house. This means we can update them to work (as is the case with ObsidianBreaker). The vast majority of plugins that break on updates are the ones that use NMS (https://bukkit.org/threads/info-packets-nms-explained.177955/) and ALSO don't provide an alternative or toggle for if/when the NMS is broken. I don't believe any of the plugins listed above are in this situation (aside from the old ObsidianBreaker, but again, I've fixed that).

    Time investment... is exactly what we all do with video games. I understand you personally don't feel like you'd invest this time, and that's okay. However with the introduction of a new server in the community, time requirements for staff in other game-modes would remain the same. There may be some issues where interests change in certain people (it happened with Deathrun) but we're not here to say what you can and can't like.

    A creative server could be something we introduce down the line, or it could even temporarily be a separate world in the same server using Multiverse and something along the lines of PlotSquared (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plotsquared.1177/).

    As far as ObsidianBreaker goes, some people find they don't like altering a block's properties until they think about why it's implemented. Obsidian makes bases in Factions un-raidable (unless they're betrayed by one of their own) once a faction has completed a solid shape with obsidian. The way ObsidianBreaker works is it allows explosions to add damage to Obsidian until that block breaks. There are many ways that have been developed to help protect bases and make then /harder/ to raid, while not being impossible such as sandwalling, and water-coating (the explosive damage is dampened by water by a set value). Again though, this entire project would be at the whim of the community and how they like to play the game.

    Lastly, the server-load concern. There's a few aspects here that I should address.

    - Redstone: This is inherently not an issue. The server we will be using is not shaped like a potato, does not smell like a potato, and is definitely not a potato. The hardware specs are not for me to share, as this is Highwon's business, but it would not be a potato.
    - Server provider: We're not hosting some half-assed VPS on generickiddieminecrafthost.com; our machine would be dedicated with a proper network connection.
    - Money: The server would be setup similar to that of our other gamemodes (2 tiers of perma-ranks, and a monthly rank). Global ranks would likely apply to this too, however the money aspect is not for me to handle aside from features given to users.

    I understand that, but in order for the Gmod aspect to expand further, we need developers specific to Gmod. I would gladly attempt to help in this area should this not come to be, but I am not a Lua developer, and any contributions I would be making would be rather small and slow for a while. However, if the Minecraft server came to be, I would be coming on as a developer specific to Minecraft, and maintaining the server / custom plugin codebase for Highwon. Other developers would be welcomed at the discretion of Highwon.

    For some reason I can't quote you @GunAndBomb however I get what you're saying. My response to that though, is that until we actually expand from Gmod, this will forever be the case. Maybe the comparison is a stretch, but it's not so much so if we make it happen.

    Lastly, I appreciate the responses from everyone, and if you have more questions or concerns, feel free to voice them. This may or may not happen; it depends on what the community wants or thinks.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    I also missed your quote. Anyway, as I was saying to @A Dog. Bark! , when new game-modes are introduced to the community (as with Deathrun) some people may lose interest in one game or another, but they typically stay in the community. If hours become a problem, those staff will likely be demoted and replaced by people who are willing to commit the hours to Gmod. As far as a creative server, it's possible to run creative in a plot world and Factions in another in parallel on the same machine with little to no problems granted plugins are implemented properly and the machine can handle it (which ours would).

    Thanks for the feedback though, I appreciate it!
  16. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I really admire the thought and dedication you've put into this Irritating, but Minecraft is pretty much dead within our type of gamers, Minecraft has pretty much become a mobile game in terms of casual audience. Thus I really don't think you'd get many players from the community.

    Admittedly you could brand the server after us and just let it be played by kids I guess.
    • Agree Agree x 10
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    This is what I was trying to say in my original post. (That has gone missing) I think, if we are going to bring in new games, we need something new and relevant. Something that has a lot of replay value. I think there are better options than Minecraft.
  18. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    Shit, I'd try it.
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  19. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    I think you have the right idea but with the wrong game. I will be open to expand to other games.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    I love minecraft. It's a wonderful game. It is really super fun. But the problem is, I hate vanilla minecraft. I love playing FTB multiplayer, you can do much more. Automated production, expand, code computer craft. My PC is shit, but I still play it at 11 FPS, because I like it and find it super fun. If we had vanilla, or factions/skyblock/skygrid/any gamemode, it's like joining the 5,000 other MC servers, and in which only 50 have a lot of players. I absolutely love modded MC though, it is honestly the best. Modded MC is easy to install too, if we were to use a FTB pack, you're just required to download the FTB client, and FTB pretty much does the rest. But seriously I am sure a lot of people LOVE minecraft. We have a ton of MC support on our Vanilla servers, thanks to @Skyrossm and @Sage Anywho, MC would be a great idea, and I don't see why not. But let me tell you something. @Yatty started a modded MC server, and we had about 10 people who played when they could. They were active for about 2 and a half weeks, then one guy's PC shit on him, other people had to focus on staffing, and the rest @Hyper and @Zyp couldn't get on because @Yatty didn't keep it up, but it was his PC, that's fine, who cares, it was still fun while we had it. The thing is though, we didn't announce to everyone that Yatty had MC, we pretty much just said to anyone who joined the TS channel "We're playing minecraft" and if they asked to join we would give them simple instructions. I also ran a MC server, it had shit tons of lag because my PC is shit. But we still had 25 people join(very few stayed due to the lag), but that was back in 2015. Lead admin, EventHorizon also had a private MC server. Lord Raisins, Killamarshall, Slicck, Angelx, Nena, Me, and a few others knew about it. We played actively for a long long time, now we did have disputes that lead to the separation, but it was what it was.

    Honestly, I wouldn't play vanilla. I'm not the type of guy to enjoy PVP or anything. Building is fun, sure, but I'd much rather build 3D Models for my game, or any other project. But I really love messing with buildcraft and computercraft in modded MC. Thanks for the proposal @irritatingness I'm sure others would love vanilla MC @SavannahBananaGaming

    tl;dr I hate vanilla MC because I don't want to put that much work into a game to get items. Modded MC is easier, and packed full of fun for me.
    • Agree Agree x 4