Your In Game Nickname: YellowYour Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153941989Which Server: VanillaWhy you should be unbanned: Because the reports were invalid and I got karma banned before I could respond to them. The moment I got karma banned I tagged Lighting in discord and DM'd him. He didn't see this and changed it to a Mass RDM ban.Evidence of Innocence: This is the whole round apart from the first 20sec. I cut that because I was chatting to some IRL friends which you don't need to see. The reports: 1) The first kill - He ran away from the unid'd. This is the report I did awnser to, which you can see later in the video 2) The second kill - I didn't get reported for it atleast to my knowledge but this was RDM so I do deserve a slay for this one. I was trying to move the sword into the cage again. The next 3 kills were all made after I had seen everyone get proven ( I looked at my player list and did some maths we had 16 people online, 1 dead T. So I killed the last 3 non-proven players seeing as there should be 3 remaining T's 3 and 4) I'm going to combine these 2 explanations seeing as they are both for the same reason Sea major at 2:32 and BlackyChan at 2:37. I killed these 2 because of the math I did earlier indicating that the last 3 unproven people were T's. Looking back at it 1 was innocent so it must've meant 1 T left. 5) The fifth kill - Seeing as this was the last non proven person alive it was a valid reason to kill him. At most this should be 3 slays seeing as 2 is valid and 3/4 are iffy. But 1 is most 100% a valid kill because I saw them commit a T act and kill 5 was just basic TTT skills. Keep in mind: I saw everyone test with my own eyes making them 100% proven. And making these kills valid.
@Yellow First off, I do apologize for not seeing the Discord tag and message. I very rarely keep discord open while playing TTT to avoid accidental ghosting. Spoiler: The evidence for this ban As you can see above, I banned you for Mass RDM because you received a karma ban after racking up 5 questionable kills within a single round on Jondome. Looking at your video, Yellow, I can conclude the following: 1. Kill on asap rockys stroke game - Not RDM (asap ran away from an unidentified body) 2. Kill on The Chief | Flux - RDM (with diamond sword - by your admission above) 3 & 4. Kills on sea major and BlackyChan- Both RDM (KOS on sus - The math you did was flawed because of the missing T) 5. Kill on Goku-san - Not RDM (common sense kill - all other suspects eliminated) Because of these findings, I will be accepting this appeal, and voiding the ban. However, you will serve 3 Autoslays for the RDM's committed during the round in question. Appeal - Accepted Punishment - Reduced to 3 Autoslays Ban - Voided Thread - Locked Edit: You are unbanned now, Yellow!