Who's Magafe false slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by JustinGio, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I tried my best to remake the scene ( Blue - Detective Red - Traitor Green - Innocents )
    I came from that ladder ( Detective And another inno already dead )

    When I ran into the room, there was shooting so I ran to the piano turn around and see this when I first came I id'd the bodies.

    There is a gun fight, I sat back and watched it happened while behind my piano after that the traitor ran to spot where I came from.


    So I made a Attempt to run out the door.

    Justingio killed me under that door.
    Then I slayed him then he had added a odd traitorous act rule." Not shooting at someone that is killing people is kosable" but there was two people shooting so I sat back and watched and told him " Its not kosable to not pick a side of a gun fight "
  2. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    Common sense? So by your logic; when seeing a gunfight ALWAYS shoot someone, no matter what. Even if you are trying not to shoot some poor innocent killing a traitor and lose karma, shoot them anyway? This logic is so extraordinarily flawed, it hurts. 90% of the time when i see a gunfight i do not shoot either person, i wait for it to be over and if the deceased is an innocent i kill the victor. But by this logic i should be shot for not shooting a person whom is committing a traitorous act? If this is the case then i should be dead 90% of the time along with all others who wait for a firefight to end. This promotes "shoot first, ask questions later." I personally do not want to play ttt by this rule and one of the main reasons that serious-ttt is so popular is that we require definitive evidence to kill legally.
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    You have no idea how many times I get gunned down for killing a T. Or killed because I didn't realize a traitorous act happened near me and I was just running away.

    If I get killed like that I am very lenient on slaying them and if another staff member is on, I ask them to deal with a report concerning me, so stuff like this doesn't happen on the forums.
  4. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    Lol but I like I said before he watched the guy not attempt to id any bodies.... and did nothing... after the guy killed multiple people... that's why...
  5. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    including the fact that the t shot first while he was definetly looking
  6. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    and he was in the room when the shooting started already looking...
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Justin's logic to kill you was completely reasonable. There's some situational common sense that can't be stated in the rules, mainly because it us situational. If you watched a guy shoot down players, not ID them, and not do anything about it it's pretty obvious you're a traitor.

    Like I said, it's not in the rules because it's based on each situation.

    I will add a note to Justin's record. Topic Locked. Issue Resolved.
  8. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    No, I Wasn't in the room when the shooting started. I enter the room when cheesus was shooting at him, and he was shooting back.
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