Who's Magafe false slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by JustinGio, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    And you seem to have instantly takin magafes side Zabiba..... I'm just angry because when mods don't know the rules then slay somebody for something they think or because it angered them that they died... I just can't stand it.... He should've asked other admins if they new if it was kosable or not... I won't get pissed anymore but it seems that you instantly took his side without considering my side
  2. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    zabiba if you will get on and make a server on clue please so I could give you a visual of what happened.... If your willing
  3. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    I would consider your side if I didn't have previous experience with you. You like to lie on reports sometimes.
  4. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    yea but he basically admitted to it openly and out of my most recent reports which ones did I lie on
  5. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    I can tell you the only 1 I lied on if you would like
  6. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    Well, you have multiple RDM bans and when I ask you why you kill people, you give pretty petty reasons. Do I agree with the slay? No. But there's always two sides of the story. Judging from the stories, it seemed like Mag avoided a gun fight and you killed him for it.
  7. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    and also magafe has been getting a lot of reports lately but you didn't take that into consideration
  8. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    They were taken care of, there's more behind the scenes stuff than you realize.
  9. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    I give my explanation of what happened...... I have 1 late night ban when there was no mods on and everybody was rdming besides banana(6 days). I have 1 ban when I first started playing and didn't know the rules well enough.... and I have a 3 hour for having prop wars with 2 mods on that didn't care... But my karma was to low..
  10. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    So are you going to start a lobby on clue so I can show you the room
  11. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    And the only 1 I lied... which still should've only resulted in a 3 round slay was the late night rdm 1
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm going to ask that no one posts on this report unless it has something to do with the situation at hand. It's really hard to stay on topic when people are talking about other situations; mods and players.

    The way I see it: If you knew for a fact that Magafe was in the room the entire time the person was shooting and killing people, you could kill him for that; just keep in mind that there would only have to be one point of entry and you were there while the deaths occurred; that would not be RDM. If there were multiple points of entry or Magafe walked in after the shootout had began, then it would be RDM.
  13. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    The way it has been explained, this would not be RDM and the slay is indeed false. I've seen other players act like this as a T. Walking around behind your t-buddies just IDing bodies and not taking any action to kill the guy who is murdering people is an obvious traitorous act to those experienced with TTT gameplay. Multiple times I have killed people that have done nothing at all but watch as their t buddies mow down innocents.

    In the case at hand Justin has stated that he witnessed Mag just walk around near his T buddy and witness him kill multiple people and do nothing but ID bodies. By not shooting at a player that has commited an obvious traitorous act, Mag had also commited a situational traitorous act. There's such a thing as your T-buddy giving you away and this is a perfect case of that.

    Mag, especially when you are a T, you have to think... Did the player who killed you do it randomly? In this case, no it wasn't random at all. Justin had a reason to kill you because you didn't do what any inno would do in the case where you see someone murder another player. You didn't call him out, you didn't shoot back, you didn't try to defend yourself. Anyone with common sense that has played the game before would see the situation the same way.

    Case and point: Not RDM, you were given away by your buddy and Justin was an experienced enough player to call you out. I'm sure most people will agree with me on this point.
  14. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    I disagree, there are many different possibilities in this situation besides them both being traitors. As stated; out of ammo, waiting to discover if they were innocent, and many more. No where on the rules does it state that being near a player committing traitorous acts is kosable. If he had helped kill, or not id'd the bodys then i can understand the train of thought, otherwise this is a legitimate slay. No matter the situation, unless in the rules it is stated that; not stopping a player whom is committing a traitorous is also a traitorous, act you CAN NOT kill or kos for this. Now, Highwon and Sir Lemonscakes can tell mods that this is a traitorous act all they want, but unless it is clearly stated in the rules, this slay is 100% justified.
  15. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    What it comes down to is common sense Pluto. The rules aren't put into place to hinder players that use common sense. When you know someone is a T due to an act that they commit, you should be able to kill them. As you look deeper into the mechanics of TTT gameplay you will find that we can't write every situation down on our rules page. Yes, rules are there to be followed, but there are many unwritten rules that are rooted in common sense. This is one of them.
  16. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    But I was watching about 3 people do traitorous things so I didn't do anything. So, I didn't do anything. Then after he leaves I walk away and get killed. I don't what happened if someone has a kos on them, I don't kill them until the fight is over. See who is inno or not.
  17. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I don't lock reports unless they were told to be lock.
  18. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Ok, read the rules. Nothing in there says when you enter a gunfight you HAVE to shoot at someone or when you LEAVE a gunfight its traitorous. You are one of the people who add a random rule that you got out of no where to try to get away with something.
  19. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Yes I walked in when cheesus got killed and id'd the bodies " I didn't get shot by nobody " Walk away because people start shooting each other and I say im not helping my t buddy he is near death so I go next to piano and When I had the chance to run away, I did and I got killed. There was more then one person doing a traitorous and I didn't want to add to that list.
  20. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Ok, It was RDM because I wasn't in front my t buddy he was in front of me, and there was a 2 to 3 people down the hall and 1 or 2 shooting at each other.
    I didn't want to lose my Traitor round, So I did nothing because if I shot I would of died. And if the innocents didn't shoot back, they could of killed me.

    There is no traitorous act about not picking sides in a gunfight, this isn't this perfect case because I did nothing wrong. If I was there when he killed a detective THEN it would be a reasonable reason to kill me but I wasn't.

    Anyone with common sense will know that this is a case of rdm, I didn't do anything wrong. There was a 2 to 3 innos in the hallway doing nothing. They looked pretty healthy. Maybe if I shot someone or tried to, It would of been a false slay.

    This slay was correct, because he killed me on suspicion of being a Traitor because I didn't go into a gunfight.
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