Denied UniqueBlue's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by UniqueBlue, Nov 6, 2017.

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  1. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    No idea why I'm banned even. I do not have the name of the person who banned me.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Rhienor

    Rhienor Integrity VIP

    @Temar banned you for RDM and Leave 3rd. Please be patient as he responds!
  3. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    I banned you for this report

  4. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    I have been banned by you because someone reported me with "why did u do that cunt"? This is not even a valid report at all.
  5. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    Why isnt it, apart from the use of language hes asking you why you killed him, you failed to give a reason
  6. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    Alright, hold on. There is no defined complaint in this report (I even have been insulted by them) and I'm still getting banned without you knowing the background or what even happened? I can tell you what happened. This guy just went pass an unidentified body so I have killed him. Like I do with everyone else who does not confirm a body and just walks pass.
  7. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    "why did you do that"

    that is a question, plain and simple and not hard to understand
  8. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    But despite the fact if I have killed someone for no reason, may I know why I have been banned instead of slain? There was no admin online and I did not leave without any pending slay.
  9. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    I was online for just over 5 mins when you left
  10. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    After I left and waited for admins for like 1 hour.

  11. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    Pretty sure i joined on same map you got that report on, possible before the report

    Also you have pending reports, thats also rdm and leave if they are valid
  12. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    Ok after some checking the report was round 3, I joined during round 4
    Also shortly after joining I closed a report on you from last map and was issuing slays so pretty clear a staff was now online
  13. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    How is that considered as RDM and leave when there is no admin online and you stood online for more than 40 minutes?

    Then provide me a proof of that, I did not log out when there was a moderator, and if I did and you can prove that, I'm sorry then it was my mistake. But I still do not understand how I get banned for RDM and leave when I had no pending slay and there was no one online to handle my report.
  14. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    I have proof, it just takes time sort out
    If you left with no staff then its not RDM and leave
    but as I stated I had been online for over 5 mins, which was clear by the fact that I had closed 1 report on you and slayed some other players
    also as ive stated before, pending reports also count, and that why they are included in that nice red box saying don't leave, if you leave before a report is closed while a staff is online and the report is valid, its RDM and leave
  15. UniqueBlue

    UniqueBlue Member

    I'll be waiting for your proof.

    Alright, here we go again. I do not see any report but insults, this person did not report me for anything except that they insulted me as a "cunt".
  16. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    Alright, apart from the fact that you never gave the response ingame saying there was an unid, I have checked this and there was no unid
    just because he used 1 word to insult you "cunt" doesn't make the rest of what he put invisible which is basically a question asking you why
    further more regardless of what he put, since you did kill him and he reported you, a reason was needed so the staff can handle it which you failed to do
    You had plenty of time (over 5 mins) and other hints - (me closing your report, players getting slain) to know a staff was online before you left
    here is you leaving

    Appeal DENIED
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