Might be worth trying out on the PTS. Only reason we removed Terror Train was because it crashed too much. Not because people didnt like it (for the most part) I would love to have this map back.
Spoiler: Changes moved player spawnpoints added more spawnpoints HDR Cubemaps Optimization added tester 1 traitor trap more space, added a new train compartment visual improvements (new textures, better lighting) fixed 2 crash causes
The servers literally crash daily about 1-3 times lmao. I bet TerrorTrain didn't even 100% cause it, it was just the bad quality server not being able to handle a moving skybox. In the offchance TerrorTrain really did fuck shit up (Never crashed while I was on yeet) Hope this works
the servers still kept crashing after yall removed it kay sgm died after terrortrain got removed! #BringTerrorTrainBACK!
I can remember at the start when we logged the crashes on terrortrain as staff i never had a crash on while playing on it for many times.
this was before this crashing issue arose but ya know, its not their servers I wouldn't assume such dumb things as they have had the same servers for the last year and even during the halloween super fucking intensive event (I blame @Opalium) it ran fine.
Like others have said, this looks great. Hopefully it won't crash like the old one did occasionally. What I am curious about is the size, is it bigger than the old one? Or did you retain the size, making it roughly the same size as the old one?
I loved Terrortrain despite its tendency to cause either players or the server to crash but I was disappointed when it was removed from the server rotation. After seeing this though, I would love to play on it once its finished.
i see people still blaming terrortrain for the crashes that have occured in the past smh yall styupid ;facepalmEmoji;