Staff report on Interrogator

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by FearUnleashed, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. FearUnleashed

    FearUnleashed New Member

    I was a detective this round on rooftops. I decided to grab the axe to power it up and hold it, while I was holding it people were purposely running into it to either injure themselves or kill themselves. They kept doing it and I was standing completely still because I didn't want to kill anybody on accident with it, since I was surrounded. 1 person died and about 3 were injured from it, while I was holding it. I then was kicked for 'rdm' by Interrogator, I instantly came back accusing him of kicking me for no reason. He then said that I rdmed them, and it was my fault that they ran into the axe because I was holding it! He blamed everything on me. He just constantly kept saying it was my fault for wielding the axe, when they ran into it on purpose! I am supported by everyone in the lobby, they even said that he did the wrong thing and it was not my fault.They are all literally saying he is the worst mod and youngest mod ever.

    Its the same situation if I held a explosive barrel and someone else exploded it, killing people. Here is the screenshots of me saying whoever thinks he is wrong say I :),WqhPIwM,WVtGfF ... 7L,ogRetuD
  2. Perolus

    Perolus New Member

    If you knew something like this would happen, and you weren't a traitor, why would you hold the damn thing in the first place? If you're not a traitor, just don't hold explosive barrels, or deadly items, because honestly- you -should- be punished. It's irresponsible, and not funny at all. To poke at the explosive barrel thing; if you're holding it around people. If someone tells you to put it down, just put it down, if you put it down near innocents, that's traitorous. If you're holding it, someone shoots it, and that person was an innocent, you were an innocent, both of you will, and should be punished. Say the person holding it was a traitor, and someone shoots it. They will be punished, but if a traitor was killed in the explosion, you'd also be to blame, for holding it around them.

    Interrogator did the right thing, in my greatest opinion. He will not be punished for this action.
  3. FearUnleashed

    FearUnleashed New Member

    When did I once say I knew it would happen? Please read the post correctly. I was never told to drop it either and just kicked instantly after people killed themselves on it. You just said that if I put a barrel down by a innocent its traitorous? seems like that is wrong. I think you are making a terribly wrong decision since even the whole server seems to think he did the wrong thing and were all against him saying things when he was in the server. I don't know if you are helping this kid because he is a kid. Or you just feel bad because nobody wants him around. Honestly since he is going to continue to be a mod, I think you are going to lose a lot of players, or a lot will be banned.
  4. Perolus

    Perolus New Member

    That's not for you to decide, "FearUnleashed." All of our staff are temporary regardless, so you don't need to worry about any of that. What he did was completely right, and I would have done the same. Anyone who was disrespecting him during this should have been punished as well, for it is also a rule. Let the staff deal with other staff, don't take it into your own hands to harass them when you think they did the wrong thing.
  5. FearUnleashed

    FearUnleashed New Member

    I know its not for me to decide, I am just giving my opinion. I don't get how people committing suicide = You rdmed them? and so about 15-20 people are being punished? I have decided to move to another server, since you are the only one who made me make this choice, by being just like other high staff members. Just because you have higher rank, doesn't mean your opinion gets to control everything. Servers always end with one bad staff member ;)
  6. Perolus

    Perolus New Member

    Okay. Bye.
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