Accepted Some new forum rules to add

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Scooter, Mar 8, 2014.


Some new forum rules to add

Poll closed Mar 22, 2014.
  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    SeriousTTT Forum Rules
    This list shows what is not allowed and applies to SeriousTTT's forum community.
    Harassment - don't harass or disrespect other members of the forum (start "flame-wars",name-call,curse out, etc.).
    Spamming - offtopic replies to threads or irrelevant threads/posts
    Gravedigging - replying to an old thread that is irrelevant now (old applications, old ban appeals, old suggestions, etc)
    Advertising - other servers, products, etc.
    Accounts - you may not have multiple accounts.
    Porn or Disturbing Content - our community doesn't allow this content.
    No discussing illegal activities - The internet is a big place. Take it somewhere we aren't responsible for. This includes piracy talk. Yarr!
    No misusing the report feature - Reporting a post means it must break the forum rules in some way. Using it to ask for help or favors will result in harsh punishment.
    No ban evasion - We will find out. If you can't wait for a probation to run out, you're better off unplugging your computer.
    No backseat modding - Helpful tips and a link to stickied thread is A-OK, talking like you have some kind of power isn't. Lose the smug and leave the moderation to the Staff.
    Do not BUMP threads - This is worthless and annoying and counts as a low effort post.

    Signature Rules
    Signatures may not be over 350px tall (for reference, this image is 350px tall:
    Signatures may not contain anything excessively annoying or distracting(flashing GIFs for example)

    Breaking one of these rules will result in a warning(unless excessive and deserving of a ban), more warnings = more chance of being banned.

    Ignorance of rules is not immunity to rules.

    if you have something to add to post please leave a message below. green shows what is added. this is just a Suggestion plz don't' take offense to this post just trying to help
  2. Swervingmcgee

    Swervingmcgee Banned

    I agree with everything except the backseat modding, because some players are trial mods, and are trying to prove they are worthy, or people who apply, want to show they know the rules also with the flame war thing, they arent always intentional so idk about that.
  3. Swervingmcgee

    Swervingmcgee Banned

    and I completely dissagree with the illegal activities part, some people are just about that life, or dont have a good financial state.
  4. Marz

    Marz Member

    Illegal downloads/discussion can get websites shut down, fyi
  5. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Modified the rules with some reworded additions. We already had the multiple account rule, so I clarified it.
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