Approved Shotta's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Shotta, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Vanilla 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I just got banned by Voca instantly for harassment, imma take it that you banned me for reporting Frost, it's clear in my eyes, if you banned me for threatening Jingo then what the hell? he was the one continuously RDMing me and bragging about it, Voca, you just joined, banned me, instant, what the fuck? also what slurs are you talking about?​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    You don't want me in the server, just make it clear, without playing around.​
  2. firemac

    firemac Mac N Cheese VIP Silver

  3. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    You were banned based off of this report:

    You were made aware of the report against yesterday as well by Frost, when he slayed you even, before and after you reported him.
    You were also Tagged Twice in the report.
    In the report you were told by me that if you dont reply within 24 hours, I would take it as you have no defense and finish the report, and that I would finish it faster if I saw you on the servers today.

    Well added to that, you were active on the forums, by reporting frost and commenting on the report earlier today as well, it would be nearly impossible for you to miss several tags and your name in a report.
    I then noticed that you were online on the servers at the time being.

    So I hopped on and took care of the report against you.
    After I banned you I was told that some of the mods online also had made you aware of the report.

    But now that you are banned, maybe you can find time defend your actions in the above report?
  4. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    First off, this 'Yo Am Trash' guy kept harassing me, and he refused to drop the past, he kept mentioning me in the chat, mentioning stuff that happend ages ago, and messing around with me, i don't evidence but you can get the logs and see what happend, this guy refuses to drop stuff that happend in the past, and keeps talking about it, it's 10 days, i will be back, you're satisfied 'Yo Am Trash'?, also, his screenshots dont have me saying slurs, so please, don't lie about me saying Slurs.
  5. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    I was littearly doing good while this guy was gone, when he came back shit started happening, several mods/admins can approve i was doing good, including you Voca.
  6. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    I littearly had no idea about the report, i swear to god, admins were telling me i have something on the forums to reply to, i thought it was the Frost situation.
  7. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    Also @firemac, deal with the Jingo guy, i reported him several times and told lots of admins about him, and he was obviously targetting me, and wasn't planning to stop.
  8. firemac

    firemac Mac N Cheese VIP Silver

    He's banned for RDM and Leave. I never witnessed any other targetting so I can't act on it, nonetheless make a report on him if you got the evidence.
    Seeing as this is your appeal, it's not the right place to ask this.
  9. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    Why do you keep telling me in chat your same stuff you say every time i argue with someone,
    'Shotta stop being toxic, Shotta stop being angry, Shotta didn't you promise to change? etc...'
    Voca himself approved i was doing good until you showed up and started your crap, also i wasn't going to report you, that was just a threat in case you don't stop your idiotic behaivour, and the cue guy was just some random RDMer i had to deal with my way, and my way only.
  10. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    That's why i got a second chance, but these RDM groups keep coming back, cue, Jingo, TesticularWarts, etc.., so many of them, they keep coming back and ruin my day.
  11. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    You can ask Reda Lex, Firemac for my recent situation with Jingo, he got banned luckily, but just after i got banned.
  12. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    If you're willing to forgive me, please stop interrupting me while doing my job defending myself against the RDM groups.
  13. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    The Jingo situation is self explanatory, he has stuff to do with me, and he wants revenge, his other group members are banned, the situation happend in the morning, him and his group were rdming people, no mods were online to note, so i stood up for everybody, and started rdming them one by one until they all left, two of them got karma banned, Jingo was the only one left, and i rdmed him until he left, and he actually did, now his affiliates keep joining in alternatives targetting me.
  14. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    I believe its in the best interest to have you serve the 10 days this time.

    If its found out that Yo Am trash, did in fact instigate you, actions will be taken.
    But as this time there is no evidence of such, we will leave it at that.

    I can only ask of you and @Yo am trash to have a more civilised behavior towards eachother.

    Just take a bit of time off, bud ^^

    We can discuss it further in private, when you have served at least half of your ban.

    For now: Appeal Denied
  15. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Alright upon witnessing the discussion between the 2 of you and the request to have the ban reduced/ removed by the one who reported. I have decided to accept and unban.

    However I will not void, even if the actions happened due to a misunderstanding, the Harassment was still legit.

    Meaning that if something like this comes up again, the ban will be harsher yet again.

    Not Voided
  16. Shotta

    Shotta Active Member

    Thank you, i will behave good.
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