Sticky Serious talks.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. slug

    slug Bronze

    To hate somebody is to show weakness. Hatred is a crack in your armor, an achilles' heal, a sign that whoever you hate takes up space in your mind and negatively impacts your psyche. Don't hold hatred, as it only makes you weaker. Instead of hating, you hold hold on to two things: your pride and your spitefulness. These two combined motivate you instead of fill you with disillusion. Why be blinded with rage when you can instead feed your inner fire, your inner drive to improve?
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  2. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    100% truth on this one too. Hate is also what causes so much tension in this world we live in.
    From personal experience, I used to harbor some deep feelings of hate for a couple people in my life who absolutely ruined everything I worked for and gained. Who took the closest people I had in my life, over jealousy. It did not help me move on from that part of my life. I eventually learned that, and eventually let go. Harboring the feelings of hate, broke down my positive character as well. It's a dangerous emotion, and it's best to settle things down with people, even if they aren't receptive, settle the issue on your end.

  3. To me hating someone is when I completely blind myself to anything about them except my distaste and disgust for them. Once I'm so far gone hating them that no matter what they, or anyone else says or does in regards to them I cannot see any good in them and they become a scapegoat for anything wrong going on in my life. They just become an object for me to project anything negative coming my way onto (Although its just mentally, I don't verbally project anything onto them), which isn't healthy, but its where I am with the people I feel hate for rn.
  4. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    I'm not entirely sure how to write this without it seeming weird or misplaced, but I see a surprising amount of homophobia on our servers from regulars that have played for years and of course new faces alike,(but those ones come and go and will always be this is more a message to those who have chosen to stay in the community with those views.) I'm not sure how many members of our server identify with the LGBT(I know theres more letters but dear god help me if I'm going to keep track of how much of the alphabet we add to this acronym.) but I know several of them, myself included. This server and community should not be somewhere where people are afraid to disclose, though a private part of their life, a major part of who they are. So I have two things I want to ask and say.

    For those of you who are homophobic, in anyway, PM me reasons, your standings, I would like to know why if you're willing to have the conversation.

    For those of you who might be scared, or feel you have little to no-one to talk to, please feel free to PM me, I'm not someone you know from Adam and I am more than willing to listen, it's something we all could use.

    The second statement isn't just for LGBT, please if you feel the need to talk to someone you don't know at all, even if its just to rant and let off the steam you can't with someone else, I encourage you to speak out.

    I feel this needs a thread on its own but for now here is the best place I can think to put it. Being comfortable with who you are plays a long term role in your overall happiness, we all come to games as a way of escape, seeing that escape being a burden is something that should be stopped at all causes but with mindsets and out dated views it will forever be an ongoing battle. For those scared or worried, keep fighting the good fight and keep your head held high, one day it will all be worth it.
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  5. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Homophobia is a word I hear a lot.

    I don't agree with being anything LGBTQ+, but I love the person. That doesn't make me homophobic, that makes me dislike the sin, but not the person. Everyone has room in God's throneroom.

    I say that because we all are hurting, deep down, society has burned us. It has burned the young, passionate youth to their deepest fears, regrets and angers. It has pitted us against one another. I have the Fathers heart, I love everyone. I am not perfect, Lord knows it, but I stand to pray and hug my LGBTQ+ brothers. I don't want to condemn them.

    That's my point. I can go deeper but it's 3AM and I am very tired.

    Prime out.
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  6. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Considering you follow the 2000 yr old book there is no point in arguing, but I will not agree we are all hurting, the joker would be proud for you throwing society in there, Im glad you love the person, but I ask you to find where in your new testament it is labeled sin.(Theres also a reason I asked for these to be pm'd I dont want to start flame wars in the comment section of an area that doesnt need it.)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
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  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    In my generation's way of using "gay" isn't really homophobic. It's more of a way to call something or someone stupid.
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  8. iizzy

    iizzy Pastel Pink Punk VIP

    Using "gay" as a replacement for "stupid" is homophobic. What does it say about your view of gay people, if you equate their identity with the word "stupid"?

    I grew up using gay as an insult as well, however just because everyone around me was saying it, didn't mean that it wasn't inherently homophobic. I also used to call people the f slur all the time, which was obviously also homophobic. It takes some self reflection to understand why you say these things and it's not fun, but "everyone else does it" was never a valid reason to generalize a minority for the sake of some insults. When I was in high school, there were already people trying to get others to stop using these words, but I had much the same thoughts as you, "I'm not homophobic, it just has a different meaning". But the truth was I was being homophobic the whole time.
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  9. Makoto

    Makoto VIP

    Being gay is not only being homosexual it also means someone being a LGBT (etc.) partisan.
    Being homosexual means your sexuality makes you feel love and desire towards people of the same sex.

    Thus, using "gay" as an insult may simply show someone's disapproval towards the LGBT lobby/association as a whole and its ideology.

    I feel like people often forget that but words exist for a reason. I believe in correctness.

    Personally, I'm firmly opposed to LGBT but I also firmly support homosexuals to enjoy the freedom they deserve.

    Though, I don't agree with people using "gay" as an insult because it has a provocative aim. But I also felt like it was unjust to accuse people who use this word as an insult of homophobic.

    Everybody should try to be more tolerant and nobody should feel the need to fight for "goodness" because it is only a concept, nothing concrete.
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  10. food

    food VIP

    That tells me that "your generation" doesn't know what "gay" means.
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  11. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    But I don't view it as me being homophobic, and neither would a lot of the others who use it, it also depends on where your talking about using "gay" as an insult. Such as in formal situations vs with your friends.

    As politically I don't follow LGTBQ+ but I agree they deserve freedom like everyone else
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  12. UncleBee

    UncleBee VIP

    using the word gay in a negative way -> people who are gay are now seen as bad. you dont want to be called gay because others have been using it to insult
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  13. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    That can't be true, if anything using gay as an insult has gone up over the past few centuries. And we all know how gays were treated back then compared to now.
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  14. Grumble

    Grumble VIP

    @Indy226 are you scared of homosexuals?
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  15. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    I didn't want to get into this, but it's the same damn thing. Using gay as an insult is homophobic. There's no other way to look at it.
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  16. Grumble

    Grumble VIP

    I don’t think you know what that word means.
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  17. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Depends on context in my opinion
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  18. Grumble

    Grumble VIP

    @Indy226 therefore you’re not homophobic for using that term.
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  19. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    That's what I'm saying, it all depends on context
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  20. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    imagine getting offended by words on the internet, woah lad
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