Invalid Report against scuffed water

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dani, Jun 18, 2019.

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  1. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    scuffed water
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    4 or something
    Time of Occurence:
    around 7:50 pm
    Reason For Report:
    I said the n-word, with a hard r, my voice full of joy. I instantly got kicked!

    Came back to ask if he can even kick me instantly for just saying it once, but he claimed that I said it once before, quietly, during round change, and that he knows it was me because of my "weird-ass voice". He also claims that he warned me, but I remember no such thing!

    I wouldn't mind if it was just his quick reflexes that banned me but the fact that he's trying to justify it through LIES and also somehow through insults to my voice offends me deeply.

    Anyway, maybe I'm wrong and I did say it twice but that's what the report is for. Just to get reminded of it.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    @MiGGo was there and knows that this man is full of shit!!!
    @scuffed water
  2. Fiz

    Fiz local jihad pro VIP Bronze

  3. Anonymous1

    Anonymous1 do you know how it feel to feel alone VIP Bronze

    Hello Dani, Ill respond to this right now and check my recording. Also, to clarify, I said that you said the n word the first time "In a weird ass voice", not that you had a weird ass voice.
  4. Anonymous1

    Anonymous1 do you know how it feel to feel alone VIP Bronze

    Alrighty, I'm going to give a small disclaimer to start here, and mention that demos do not record the voice of the recorder, so while watching the evidence provided you will be able to see only that I am talking, and wont be able to actually hear it. Now for the actual contents of the report, I warned you for saying the n word with a hard r shown here. This is what I referenced to be the "weird ass voice" when you first said the n word, because that is not how you normally talk in game. I was not insulting your voice itself or the way you talk, I was just referring to the way you said the n word the first time as, "in a weird voice". So, when you use the hard R for the first time in voice, you can see in the video that I started talking shortly after, which was my issuing a warning to you. However, since it is a demo file that this was originally recorded with, you cannot hear what I said to you. Later in the video (44 seconds to be exact), you can be heard saying the N word a second time, in a normal voice this time, which resulted in you being kicked. So, as shown, I am not lying to you, and I apologize if we had a misunderstanding about the comment I made regarding the way you said the N word the fist time. However, you indeed used the n word with a hard R twice, which resulted in you being kicked. For the future, this report has shown me that if I want to use demo's to record gameplay, I must administer warnings or anything staff related in chat, as the demo will not pick up my own voice. I'll go ahead and retag @Irish to finish things up.
  5. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    Ah yes, thank you for finding the evidence. This is literally the funniest video I've seen all week.
  6. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    Do use text warnings in the future because it makes it easier to collect proof


    Dani you can't say the n-word anymore
  8. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Right, I've gotten to this now and it seems to have wrapped itself up, Dani understands what he said :) and scuffed knows to use chat for warnings, etc.
    but all the needed evidence is here so I'm going to close up, Thanks for your patience,
    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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