Invalid Report against Scares (the mod), myself

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Cash, Jan 14, 2018.

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  1. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Scares (the mod), myself
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    he's on forums
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    One of the community pools
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    probably around 11pm
    Reason For Report:
    Didn't slay me for my rdm, didn't get discretion AFAIK to forgive me either (vid 1)

    Didn't slay @Bravo for prop damaging me then KOSing me as inno​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

  3. Stitch

    Stitch Forever the friendly blue alien koala VIP


    For the one including Bravo, the logs didn't show him or anyone else doing damage to you. To why I made the conclusion that Bravo did not propdamage you and the KOS was valid because you damaged him.

  4. Bravo

    Bravo VIP

    To weigh in on the decision regarding me - I had responded that I didn't hit you with a prop (which I whole heartedly believed considering that my prop didn't even go near you; which your own footage shows, I'm still not entirely sure how said prop hurt you), meaning it was a word vs word situation. As there was no death scene (as no one killed you) the only thing Scares and Stitch had to go on was the damage logs - prop damage is not logged - and therefore they had nothing to go on prop damage wise. More importantly however you randomly reported me for "False KOS" despite A) you shooting at me (it doesn't matter if you had a reason to shoot at me, of course I'm going to KOS you back) and B) no innocent actually following the KOS in the first place; whilst I can't speak for Scares/Stitch's reasoning themselves for it, adding "False KOS" into the report hardly helped make your report look valid when you quite clearly opened fire on me as would have been easily visible through both MY death scene and the damage logs.

    Whilst I'm not a staff member so can't rule on the matter, quite clearly Scares/Stitch followed all the information they had at the time of the conclusion of the report.
  5. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    Watch at the 0:15 second mark in 25% or 50% speed, it clearly came from you and hit me.

    For the false KOS part, yeah that was more-so bad wording on my end.
    For the deathscene, could they not have used yours to see if you had prop damaged me? I mean you died a few seconds after doing so and I'm sure DS doesn't just start the exact second you get hit.
  6. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    Alright!!!! Thank you for taking the time to report me on the forums. Sorry it has taken a bit to get back to you as I am busy with work and such.

    Regarding the first incident,
    As stated in the video I didn't really care as long as we had won the round. I will just report then slay you for it right away next time.

    Regarding the second incident,
    As the tmod I was training has already stated, the damage did not show in the logs for the prop damage. He put it as his conclusion and I saw it as well after the map had changed, now this was a moderately populated server and lots of players were killing eachother and reports had gotten backed up. As a mod by myself I couldve just cleared reports but its part of training to let the tmod handle the reports at their pace and let them learn. Now as I was going through the reports he had set conclusions to the reports, and as I was checking to make sure he was right, the map had changed. Then the remaining reports aside from the ones he had set conclusions to, would be wvw. Tends to happen in a busy server, even more so when people rtv a bunch.

    Last but not least,
    I was needing to leave before the map had changed, but I couldn't leave all those reports and my tmod like that so I stayed to run through the reports when the new map started, and as I have already stated, the deathscenes were gone.

    I don't believe I need any evidence? As all of it has already been submitted via video and screenshot of the damagelogs. More of a report for an explaination.
  7. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Personally, I don't really see an issue with how Scares dealt with/ didn't do anything about the first half of this report. As a player, you don't need to report someone whenever they damage you. Sure, as a staff member we're supposed to look through the logs for unreported damage and what-not but in cases like this I'd say that showing some leniency and not filing the report in the first place makes for a more pleasant experience for both parties 99.9% of the time. However, I'll go put a slay on your STEAMID as you have requested to be slain.

    As for part 2, I'd say it was handled in a reasonable fashion as well. Sometimes prop damage doesn't get logged and this was the case here. Yes, a deathscene may have shown that bravo's prop directly damaged you but, as Scares has explained, by the time he got to your report, the map had already changed. Deathscenes don't survive the map change so without any logged damage, this report was correctly deemed as WvW.

    I'm going to deem this report INVALID.
    Thanks for Reporting.

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