Invalid Report against milo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by fizzythefishy, Jan 7, 2017.

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  1. fizzythefishy

    fizzythefishy Supporter

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
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    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    she slained me when i threw a incen warned and the guy didnt care and walked in it my own t buddy like wtf!
    Milo added 2 autoslays to You with the reason : 'RDM'​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Milo added 2 autoslays to You with the reason : 'RDM'​
  2. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

  3. Salem

    Salem VIP

    Hi Fizzy, thanks for reporting me as it shows me what I need to improve on as a moderator. Seeing as I'm available to give my side of the story right now I'm just going to hop into it.

    I received this report on you while we were playing on motel:

    Seeing as you both were saying two different things I decided to message you and see what had happened to see how you had warned.

    Looking at these messages you can see that you only told him not to go there and you said you shot where he shouldn't go, You did not claim you warned in the chat for an incendiary you only told your buddies not to go in that area- which doesn't mean there's an incendiary and is not a proper warning.

    You also claimed that a fellow T buddy called the incendiary out but as you can see from these logs you were clearly the one to throw it.

    It is not your T buddies responsibility to call out incendiaries that you throw. I'm pretty sure it was your first T buddy you damaged that called it out and that is not his responsibility. You are supposed to call out your incendiaries before throwing them and since you said you only told them not to go there and that another buddy called it out, I took that at you did not warn for your incendiary which would give your T-buddies no reason to believe you when you say not to go into a certain room, because how would they know you threw an incendiary inside the T room?

    You can tell by the logs that you damaged one buddy (Hitler), who I assume is the one who tried to let people know about it, and then you killed your other buddy Aqua. Thus my reasoning for issuing the two slays on you.

    I even tried to explain further once we switched maps to skycraft and you PMed me, but instead you went on saying you were being slain for no reason and that you hate me- so I didn't try to continue to tell you my reasoning.

    I will leave the verdict up to my admin @Machinekiller00 since that is all the evident I have on this matter.

    Have a wonderful day/night.
  4. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    As Milo already said, you have to give a proper warning before you throw any explosive grenade. In this case you didn't give a proper warning so that doesn't count as a warning. Milo was in the right for slaying you.

    Also Fizzy you have been warned before by other admins that you should take reports seriously. It just seems as if you make reports on any staff members that issues you a slay. There's nothing wrong with reports against staff because if you feel the staff member is in the wrong then you have the full right to report a staff member. But as of lately it seems that you aren't taking reports seriously, and you'll report staff members just to report them. This isn't funny as we take staff reports very seriously. If these reports are in fact serious then I highly suggest that you take a look at our extended rules before you go and report someone. You're on thin ice right now fishy and if you continue to just report any staff just because you feel like it. Your thread privileges can be removed. So keep that in mind before you go and make another report. Take them serious. I'm going to go ahead and just close this up.

    Report: Invalid
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