Completed Report against Glyph

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Phillisss, Jan 24, 2019.

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  1. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    De Dolls
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    8:47 PST
    Reason For Report:
    @Glyph falsely slayed me after I further explained my in game report. I killed a player because he hesitated to ID a body by looking at it then running away. In my report I put that he was complicit with the death of a player. I wish he took further time to investigate my claims and kept the dialogue up.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Here is a screenshot of the console:
  2. ryan

    ryan yeet VIP

  3. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    Hi Lejon—

    I slayed you because you killed this player wrongfully. I do not have the DS saved, but basically what occurred was that one player in the open was sniped by another player, and the person backed up somewhat because they were in the line of fire and did not want to get shot. As you can see here:

    The rules state that the player is not KOSable if they were to put themselves in undue risk of being killed/taking damage by identifying the body. As the player had JUST been sniped, this player had good reason to back off slightly and avoid being shot. Moreover, when you started to kill that player he was moving back towards the body in an attempt to identify it, meaning he was trying to and you intercepted him.
  4. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    If you don't have the DS (Deathscene?) can you provide the damage logs or shot logs. It seems only a single bullet was fired and the player was not longer in harms way when he ignored the UN'ID.
  5. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    Here are the logs of what occurred.

    In effect, you gave him a total of about 4 seconds, of which about 2, if I recall, were spent backing away to avoid being sniped, and the latter 2 were spent moving back towards the player's body to attempt to identify it (when another player then identified it himself). A single bullet was indeed fired, but there is good reason to believe that wouldn't be the last if the player stopped to ID the body there, and 2 seconds is a pretty fair delay to wait for any further shots before trying to identify the corpse.
  6. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

  7. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    The topmost log, occurring at 01:23, is when the player who was first killed was shot.
  8. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    Ok, I think the Deathscene would have really helped here or more some proper evidence such as a recording. Sorry I wasn't able to upload my side. I still think the slay was put on without proper investigation or reasoning and it seems your narrative has changed since our brief in game discussion.
  9. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    How? I investigated by viewing the death scene and checking the exact timestamps, and then I applied a slay, which I explained was because you didn't give him sufficient chance to identify the body without putting him in harms way (He backed off a bit because the guy got shot and he didn't want to). I don't see how my story has changed.
  10. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    It seems you went from in game (Time it took him to ID it/Time from player being shot) to he didn't want to get shot by the guy above. Did you inquire this from the player or assume what he meant?
  11. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    Both of these arguments are interrelated which is why I have said both. He took a reasonable amount of time (as determined by the logs) to back away to avoid being shot (which is obviously what happened), and then started moving back in to identify the body but you shot him before he had a chance to. His reaction being reasonable and not KOSable is determined primarily by how long it was, and considering it was only about 2 seconds, him slightly backing away from someone who was JUST shot is not reason to kill him.
  12. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    Do you have a screenshot of the report at least?
  13. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    No. The report was over 3 maps ago now. It was just "why did you kill me", the text didn't really contain anything of interest.
  14. Phillisss

    Phillisss Banned

    Oh, I wasn't sure. You replied when it was only the map after or end of the same map as where the report originally located from.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald


    I'm going to retag @Lordyhgm™ to deliver the final verdict.

    Sorry for the delay.

  16. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    Here is the deathscene.

    In retrospect, I don't know for sure whether or not I was right about this case. It's kind of up to Lordy at this point, so we'll see what they think; but I admit this one is kind of hazy and it's unclear if it's within the spirit of the rule or not, and any ruling either way will pretty much be fair.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
  17. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Aight so, given that the player backed up as soon as they saw the guy get shot to get out of the sniper's view, imma agree with Glyph, in that you killed a guy for not IDing a body while they were trying to escape a present danger (The sniper).
    I will concede however that in such cases I'll advise my moderators to give the benefit of the doubt and avoid slaying seeing as it's reasonably strenuous. We want it to be fun for everyone, and slaying for these things may just appear to be over-zealous.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
  18. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Okay, so having reviewed all the evidence and consulted with other staff members, I'll be changing the ruling on this. The rule regarding this: "Player must be able to ID the body without taking damage." does not extend to gunfire or the theoretical shot from a sniper, and I should not have considered it to do so. The player would have been able to ID the body without taking damage and so the slay applied was False. I apologise for having to come back to this and correct myself, Glyph will serve a slay for the incorrect slay and I will be ensuring to more thoroughly investigate future reports.
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