Rejected New rule suggestion regarding innocents committing traitorous acts. "Mistake Accountability"

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Apherix, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    This has nothing to do with missing an UnID'd body.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
  2. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    This is absolutely counter intuitive to our ruleset. Absolutely not. All this would accomplish is making people hesitate to punish traitorous acts, which would be ridiculous, especially to enforce with slays.
  3. Witchking

    Witchking VIP

    You just want ppl to get slain for t baiting -1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Mapled

    Mapled VIP

    You said that if you miss an unided then you are playing wrong. Everyone misses an unided from time to time, and I certainly wouldn't want to be slain for it if someone's kills me and then gets killed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Mapled

    Mapled VIP

    The second part that Timo mentions here has everything to do with this. He would have commited a traitorous act here, so under your rule why wouldn't he be slain?
  6. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    In my view on this, this is already happening, but this makes it so others will play the game a little more smart. This won't make anyone hesitant on killing people with T weapons. This will make those who pick up T weapons think twice about whipping them out and getting themselves killed and other innos killed, ruining the fun for those that are playing the game correctly/ a little more smart than they are.
  7. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    but this idea has more negative effects than positive.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    This is just making people who make wrong decisions responsible for getting their innocent buddies killed by other innocents, similar to RDM in the sense that you are causing harm to your teammates by playing wrong.

    You are simply doing something wrong that leads to your teammates killing each other for something you caused.
  9. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    You don't quite get that the way we run things now IS mistake accountability. Kill on suspicion? Mistake. Slay. Fail to call out a frag and kill a fellow inno/traitor buddy? Mistake. Slay. What you're driving at is punishing people for the results of those mistakes, and that just will not work.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    That second part is a completely different situation. He would not get slain for killing a traitor as he was doing something right and so was the other inno. They were both trying to kill someone doing a Traitorous Act. If he were to report the inno for killing him for killing the traitor the other inno wouldn't be slain because all the inno saw was Timo shooting another person.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  11. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    shooting at another person is a traitorous act though
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I'm not sure anyone is understanding this correctly as this should be as simple as left and right. The mistake that is being made is that innocents are using Traitor Weapons in plain sight and are then being killed for it by other innocents, which is the correct thing that should be done because it is a Traitorous Act. However, now the innocent that killed the other innocent is being seen a a Traitor to the other innocents because of the first person's mistake for committing a Traitorous act. If this innocent player is then killed due to the other player, then it should be resulted in a slay because they made the mistake of using a Traitor Weapon in plain sight and essentially killing their own teammate in the process.
  13. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    That's correct.
    Yes that's correct. That is a different situation from what I'm suggesting. In that scenario, if you were shooting at a Traitor and a Innocent killed you for doing so and if you reported him, they would not get slain because they may have thought you were a Traitor yourself. You would also not get slain for this if they die from a detective grabbing dna off your body. This is because you weren't in the wrong for getting the other person killed if they killed you because you were trying killing a Traitor. You would be defending yourself in that situation because you weren't playing the game wrong.
  14. ayygurl_

    ayygurl_ VIP


    If I take your explanation B, the detective that kills B will already be getting slayed since B had all the rights to kill A.

    A = Innocent that gets killed in first place
    B = Innocent who kills A
    Detective = Guy who kills B

    You might think this is unfair since we don't know if every B player out there will tell the chat about the fact that they killed A for commiting a traitorous act and then avoid getting killed by a detective.

    It is true, but! Keep in mind that if B gets killed by the detective, it's either the detective's fault because he didn't see that B told the chat about the fact that he killed A for commiting a traitorous act, or either B's fault for not telling anyone about why he killed A.

    This rule will also make some reports much longer to handle. #ModLivesMatter
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  15. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    It's not committing the act that is slayable. It's getting other innos killed because you, as an inno, committed a traitorous act and got them killed for it, which is slayable. If you honestly did not see the unidentified body and they killed you, then that situation would come down to a word vs word situation between you and the guy who killed you. Any other report of mistake accountability after that would be tossed out because it was a word vs word situation. The walking passed UnID'd bodies situation has a large gray area that usually leads to word vs word situations and nothing comes of it.
  16. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I'm not entirely sure how you worded this to be understood, but if you can reword this I can try to explain it to you.
  17. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    It isn't a direct slay for committing Traitorous Acts, it's getting your fellow innocent buddy, who killed you, killed and you receive a slay for that. Basically don't do traitorous acts as an inno, it can get you killed, the guy who killed you killed and it's just a mess that no one thinks of that should already be addressed as it's a massive gray area in the rules.
  18. ayygurl_

    ayygurl_ VIP

    Should be better now.
  19. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I see what you're saying. The Innocent (B) that killed the Innocent (A) for committing a Traitorous Act would not be slain. The Detective that kills the Innocent (B) would also not be slain. The blame would ultimately fall on the Innocent (A) for failing, as a player, to follow simple directions to not commit Traitorous Acts when you're an innocent. From his acts, he got Innocent (B) killed by the Detective because of his mistake in not following the rules of the game correctly.
  20. ayygurl_

    ayygurl_ VIP

    "Keep in mind that if B gets killed by the detective, it's either the detective's fault because he didn't see that B told the chat about the fact that he killed A for commiting a traitorous act, or either B's fault for not telling anyone about why he killed A."

    Or at least this is my point of view.
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