Answered Mass rdm with death station

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Hongo, May 8, 2019.

  1. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Multiple people are in a room, and one of them is a detective. A traitor runs by and throws in a death station.

    All in the room know it's fake, and one of them tries to push it out of the room. The detective runs out of the room but pushes E on it before leaving, killing all three innocents in the room before it is safely pushed out of the area.

    Is this mass rdm
  2. Zuko

    Zuko VIP Bronze

    No it's not, since a traitor placed it down. The death station is supposed to look like a health station, so that players will press E on it.
    It's essentially the same as defusing a c4. If a detective fails to disarm a c4 placed by a traitor, it's not the detective's fault.

    BUT, it's considered toxic gameplay if the detective does it on purpose.
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  3. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    I'd say yes, you have knowledge it is a T item (similar to activating a t-trap on Richland and killing with it). Would be a different case if there was no intent to kill innocents with it. (Detective running out and pressing E makes it pretty obvious there was intent to kill Innis)
  4. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Both of these interpretations could be seen as correct, but I'd argue the first is probably more accurate. The problem we face is that the logs wont really show us who activated the deathstation, so often times we just put all the kills on the traitor. If done intentionally to dick over innocents this is toxic gameplay and will be handled as such.