Approved marg simsim's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by marg simsim, Sep 16, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    marg simsim ™
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    My 2011 Mac crashes gmod very often. The only difference here was that I had a pending report on me.

    I must have spent 40+ minutes waiting for my report to be handled as well. No flack on audrey, just saying she probably would've liked some extra hands on deck, as she was alone as a mod for a while.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    This used to be my moms computer so ignore "Michelle".


    ^ These are the crash reports in September alone. I'm not sure which of these enacted my ban but I know it's one of these.

    I can open whichever one you'd like for more details!

    Doesn't the server log how people leave? I've seen people disconnect and it'll say "X left the game (timed out)" or "Y left the game (disconnected)". Are there any reports that say I timed out or crashed?​
  2. firemac

    firemac Mac N Cheese VIP Silver

    Tagging @audrey to address your appeal.

    For future reference your Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:53437903
  3. audrey

    audrey batty VIP

    hi marg—i banned you for RDM and leave count fifth. as per this. you absolutely had not spent 40+ minutes waiting for me to handle this report; i had been afk for at most 3 rounds while i was preparing some food i had in the oven.

    i have video evidence to back that up: the report for which you were banned was issued at 07:41 and you left at around 13:00 roughly five and a half minutes later. not really 40 minutes.

    however, because you offered a crash log, i'm willing to overturn and void this ban. i'll leave a note on you to this effect, that if possible you should be given the space of a few rounds to return before you are banned for rdm and leave—however, i can't expect every mod to be quite so kind to you about this considering your extreme history with RDM and leave, so beware.

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
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