Rejected 'KOS - for - shooting' changes?

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by SquidgyBoat, Jul 12, 2020.


Smash or Pass

  1. Let's do it

  2. Decent idea, but could use some tweaking

  3. No thanks, good as is

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  1. SquidgyBoat

    SquidgyBoat The Admiral VIP

    Edit: Nevermind


    I don't like the way our rules pertain to KOSing someone that is shooting at other players. I feel like it is needlessly aggressive in response to some shots from a non-lethal gun.

    The rules pertaining to this scenario:

    "Traitorous Acts

    • Shooting players or towards them (Traitor baiting)"
    2. You may kill a detective if they are shooting at you with an intention to kill."

    This seems reasonable. Someone shoots a gun at you, you should be able to shoot back, right?
    But as the rules stand, and in many situations I've been involved in as a mod here, there is a all-too-common scenario that I hate seeing:

    Player A and Player B are innocents. They are several hundred feet apart. Player A shoots, for whatever reason (whether it be a misclick, a window, or just for fun) a single shot of an M16 in Player B's direction. Player B then KOSes and kills Player A immediately.

    This seems like an overreaction to me. I feel like this needs to be changed.
    I suggest we implement a rule change to make our guidelines like this in line with other communities I've played / staffed.

    Instead of "Shooting players or towards them (Traitor baiting)," we make it something along the lines of
    Damaging players, firing one-shot kill weapons at players, or continuously firing in a player's direction. (One-shots include rifles, deagles, and shotguns [this can be improved])

    Changing both "shooting" to "damaging" and adding in the distinction of "one-shot weapons" + "continuous firing" would eliminate this issue.

    Now, I can already hear the gears in your brains grinding.
    "But Squidgy, _______________" preemptive replies below!

    "I don't see this happen often. This seems like a non-issue."
    Well, I do, in fact several times over the past day alone. Been seeing this since I started here.

    "'Continuous firing' sounds like a gray area."
    It is, but so is 'shooting at players.' I believe our staff team can discern the difference between continuous firing and other firing, just like we can between T-baiting and shooting the ceiling / etc.

    "This sounds like it would confuse our playerbase, the way it is is simpler."
    I disagree. Like I said, other communities have this rule too, and both the average player and staffmember are smart enough to understand and use discretion.

    "What constitutes a one-shot?"
    Anything that can kill you in a single shot, as the name implies. Shotguns, rifles, deagles, etc. [AK I can see being included, as it's time to kill is so absurdly high, along with being a T weapon on other servers.]

    Please ask me any clarifications, suggest changes or improvements, and voice your disagreement. I'd very much like this to change. I would have just suggested this to the Lead staff, but I feel like this should have server-wide support.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
    • Disagree Disagree x 6
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    But Squidgy,

    I disagree with this statement
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    i dont

    im not gonna let someones bad aim determine how i respond, someone shoots at me i shoot
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    almost every single server allows KOSing for tbaiting

    some people are really shit shots and missed because of that, I'm not just gonna let them shoot me again because of that

    there's no damage/bullet dropoff for distances, range really doesn't matter at all

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    No that's a shitty idea, there's already punishments for excessive tbaiting. -1
  6. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

  7. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

  8. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  9. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    But Squidgy, then I could follow someone around, shooting one shot right next to them with an M-16 every couple seconds and if he kills me I'll say I wasn't continuously firing
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    All guns are lethal guns, as they do damage, even a pistol. Just as any Damage is RDM/KOS, such is any gun shooting at you Kosable.
    I'm content with T-bating rules on this server. Players have the option of kosing or not if someone is shooting at them. There are many variables and scenarios within a round of TTT and every player thinks differently, so it's up to them to decide. What could be a fun prank to some, could be misconstrued as an attempt on a life to another. Most of the "average player and staffmember" know if they're getting T-baited or not, this comes with experience with the game, but this new ruling can affect more so on new players or those who've yet grasp that gamer experience.

    While this could be an overreation, there are still ways to determine if this is T-baiting or not. To repeat what I've been told about locating T-bait: "you're looking for a shallow angle, close pass-by, and close impact" Was there a shallow angle between player's A shots at player B? Did the shots pass by player B closely? Did the shots hit nearby surrounding's at player B? not to mention if player B actually saw if player A was shooting at them or not, and/or if it was clear that player A was shooting something else entirely. There's already protocol to determine if shots are tbaiting or not and how to follow up accordingly. In your scenario Player B is correct in kosing/killing player A as player A Could have damaged player B from being shot at. But if your new ruling came to be, you would be punishing that correct action and would cause needless frustration and a grudge for player B.

    I feel like this would in fact cause more issue, so lets put it like this. If this was the case you are restricting players decisions on if someone is trying to kill them or not, in this case you wouldn't be able to kill in self defense or for shooting until you got damaged and then it would be too late.
    Uhoh some sick bastard shot near my head with an ak, Oop I better hold my trigger finger, could be a harmless missclick and I can't kos for shooting near me anymore unless its a one shot weap- owchies, I am dead because I hesitated too much on my self defense when my attacker meanwhile corrected their aim and fired two more rapid bullets in my head and killed me, wowee.

    • Old Old x 1
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