Denied Jobel's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by n0blerone, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I missclicked and tried to tell admin that was ingame that i missclicked, but i got banned before finishing my sentence.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ragman was the admin that banned me, so it worked like this on the map "Rooftops" that i freaking hate, i missclicked T7 (that will say ttt_radio_traitor) Ragman then said "So kos Mythme" (Aka the Victim that i only wanted to t6) I pmed him "no no" because i missclicked and wanted to explain but before that happened he banned me for 4 weeks (27 days now)
    I got banned for ghosting but i didnt know that was ghosting.

    Could you give me a lesser ban or a warning?

    Please :(

    (Not english)​
  2. Qaaap

    Qaaap 404 User not found. VIP

    You were banned by @Ragman for Ghosting 1st offense, Please be patient
  3. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    I bet this will be DENIED.
  4. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    I will be.
  5. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    And i dont want to ruin my 0 ban spree :3
  6. Darki

    Darki Member

    • Do not comment on appeals that do not involve you.
    hahahahaha missclick?

    ban this motherlover even more
  7. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    Darki u shit
  8. Darki

    Darki Member

    yes time to time
  9. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Locking this until Ragman can respond.
  10. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

    I will respond to this shortly.
  11. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

    Hello! Sorry for the delay in responding. My internet kept cutting out as I was typing.

    Lets get straight into this!


    As you can see from the screenshots, you KOS'd Mythme multiple times through the text chat, and even went on to KOS him as you fell off the building. A pretty strong case that he was a traitor. I waited around 10-15 seconds before I stated in the chat "KOS mythme then?" - due to the multiple KOS's right before your death. You then went on to message me using the "!p" command while you were dead to say no multiple times.

    While your intentions may have been to stop this player from getting unnecessarily killed or in fact to make sure no one killed this player ending in you getting slain for false KOS - your actions fall under the ghosting rule. As a reminder the ghosting rule is as follows:


    I have underlined the areas that you might not know about and things you need to avoid in the future to ensure you aren't banned a second time. You used the in game chat to inform me that you did not mean to KOS this person, this influenced the ingame events due to the fact that I would have gone and killed that player and stated for the rest of the server to KOS him based on your actions before. You informing me that this was a false KOS would have stopped me doing this. While you may not have intended to ghost or change the in game events in this way, the rule stands because people are not aware sometimes of the effect their private messages have. In future if you false KOS someone by accident - for example by hovering over the wrong person - you can explain this to a staff member in a report (If you get reported) or in admin chat or by a private message post round. You will not be slain in that situation as a crossfire KOS is essentially the same as crossfire - as long as you were actually trying to KOS a traitor.

    As a result of this I must
    Deny this appeal, but you are not banned on any other server except EU2 so you are free to play on any other server. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any further questions about your ban, appeal or any of the rules I have referenced, please do not hesitate to contact me here on the forums.

    Have a good day!


    Appeal: Denied
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