How is what Nilz did a toxic warning worthy thing?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice Juice™, May 30, 2020.

  1. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Genuinely baffled right now, not sure if I should make this a question or a discussion, but I just saw the report on Jabba for Nilz's ban and how the fuck is that 1. Not part of normal gameplay 2. Worthy of being all that's required for a toxicity offense.

    Like, this is the definition of bias. I literally saw a mod behave more toxicly today, and it was such a minor t thing I didn't even think it worthy of an in-game report for RDM.

    I have been killed by mods for this exact same thing more times than I can count. I'm pretty sure I've been personally killed by Jabba for this. I know I've been killed by Elvis for this. And none of them would have had a direct reasoning or excuse for it- They just killed me because they saw me kill an inno. It has never occurred to me to report, unless I'm pissed and report to be toxic. This trumps anything else in terms of pure ridiculousness that I just have to know: How is this possibly justified?

    @Jabba the Slut Are you actively trying to kill this community? You aren't combatting toxicity, you're being a hardass on rules that would erase people's interest in our servers and community if they were enforced universally. You want to ban people do it right, ban them for actual offenses. Don't take the smallest fraction of a fucking excuse and use it to boot them off the servers. You want to stop the rampant toxicity in GMOD? Start by

    I've never seen Nilz be all that toxic. He's a dick. But we're all dicks on Gmod to some degree, and I'm literally more toxic than he is. If I've come close to getting a warning it was only ever discussed among staff. You still haven't closed my report on someone who was clearly and obviously loopholing, but you're issuing bullshit like this on the least amount of evidence I have ever seen.

    RDM chains happen, and with someone like Elvis especially, who is notorious for playing on technical kills and paying attention to details, it is just clever to kill him for a situation like this.

    You aren't punishing this shit universally Jabba. 'He has a history' well that's why the punishment is increased. That shouldn't make something that would normally be non-punishable punishable. Either something is worth the warning point, or it isn't. Or several recent compiled somethings are equal to a warning, either way. This is Serious Gmod, where the rules matter, and the staff don't just make shit up as they go along for the sake of convenience. You are making dumbass rules and rulings for the sake of convenience, and it does not benefit the community in any conceivable way.

    If you really wanted to, I would happily start recording and reporting people, probably soley staff, for far worse, and still incredibly trivial offenses, and see what comes of that, but ultimately, I would be far more toxic than just about all of those recordings combined just by the mere fact I was doing it.

    Do you know how often RDM chains happen? All the fucking time. And people get a little pissy about them, but we all accept is part of the game. Why? Because people mistakes happen, because reflexes happen, because sometimes we're 90% sure someone is a T and we really want that excuse. You know what's toxic? Having to triple guess your every single action because some asshole moderator might arbitrarily decide you didn't have a good enough reason while playing by the rules. If this is such a big deal, if it's so fucking frowned upon by the staff, then it should be considered RDM in the rules, because otherwise it's just a big toxic loophole that only toxic people would ever use in standard gameplay, which is objectively stupid.

    What the actual fuck are you doing Jabba. How is this making the community better for anyone?
    Rant over. Fuck does this kind of dumbassery trigger my autism. I've said I've matured people, not that I'm mature.
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  2. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Oh shit I didn't realise that Nilz had killed a T in the report. Yeah like I kill people who kill innos even if they had a reason to, because fuckin Ts take advantage of having a reason to kill an inno all the time, as shown in the report. If that's not allowed anymore then I guess as an inno you can't kill anyone unless you know they didn't have a reason for shooting people.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I love how we've come to a point in the lifetime of this community that members feel like they can make a post outside a report they aren't involved in and call it a "rant." There is literally an open report regarding the issue and being someone that makes some bullshit "rant" on the forums doesn't help the situation on either side.

    I'm not defending either side on this. I honestly wish y'all would grow the hell up and staff would warn for stupid unnecessary "rants" like this; it does nothing for growth and development of the community.
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  5. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    this logic should have prevented this whole thing from happening. Just because they had a valid reason to kill the person doesn't mean they aren't a traitor trying to take advantage of it. If jabba decides to go with his decision anyways and set that precedent then fuck this server honestly lol
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  6. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    You know what doesn't help the community? Staff openly admitting to being biased and treating people with double standards. /fuckouttahere DocFox.
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  7. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Jabba is out of control, and he's got LordyHGM who is from (somewhere in Europe) and they have very different social standards particularly regarding how sensitive they are to harassment, to back up his crazy legislation.
    I mean, look at this. He labels people toxic, and then Lordy greenlights him to do whatever he wants to punish them, using any reason at all no matter how small and minute. (That's pronounced my-noot, by the way.)

    • Just look at this. He admits to profiling people as toxic and punishes them for normal gameplay

    • And then look at this, Jabba threatens to extend a guys ban for making an appeal, then he threatens to ban Indy too. Just ban ban ban, ban everyone for anything.

    This is goddamned crazy. We need some new Lead Admins ASAP. @Highwon
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  8. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Hongo for Lead Admin 2020
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  9. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Shit, if I was, I guarantee you I'd enforce all staff to use the Conversation Bubble for reports to give people an opportunity to talk it out, cool their heads, converse with each other. Tired of them treating players WHO BUILT THIS COMMUNITY BY PLAYING HERE like garbage.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I'm sure everyone would agree with that. The reports would take forever to complete, and people would have a pop up while they are trying to play, but everyone would be happy with it.
  11. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Oh, so there would have to be some DISCRETION to which reports it applies to? But wouldn't that leave too much room for bias in your new regime? Shouldn't ALL reports be treated equally?
  12. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    Let's not derail the thread.
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  13. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    u right u right imma delete my posts
  14. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I mean, we're not allowed to comment on the report?
    This is a forum, which by it's very name is about open discussion about subjects/issues?
    Yeah, there is an open report. That doesn't give the community members any way to voice their opinions about the subject. I called it a rant because it wasn't the most organized thing, it's voicing my frustrations, but how does that make it less valid?

    This rings pretty hallow when the last time Jabba did shit like this, not much more than a week ago I believe, I made another rant. A better-constructed rant for sure, but the community had such agreement with it that it basically forced Jabba to change his mind, swaying the report that was filed against him in relation. What Jabba is doing is bullshit. It actively harms this longstanding community. It's weakening the integrity of the rules everyone's pretty proud of. It's creating an environment of toxicity. 'Oh, but it's you guys' No. This wouldn't be happening if Jabba was acting competently.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but if you don't want discussion about these issues then don't have a forum. Don't tell people to open discussions on reports in the reports themselves. This is a valid thing for the community to talk about, and it's even more valid for the community to complain about it. Long standing rules that will fundamentally change how this ancient game is being played are being changed almost exclusively to punish people. That's not good. That is, objectively, pretty fucking shitty, and it will actively kill people's interest in our servers as much as it actively kills our most loyal playerbase.
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  15. Peach

    Peach sweet c: VIP Silver


    Never knew killing someone for killing an innocent right in front of you could be considered toxic gameplay :confused:
    NGL there definitely seems to be some bias here. Even if Nilz does have a history, if that report doesn’t get marked as valid it’s gonna set a bad precedent for the future.

    EDIT: Oops it’s valid already :oops:
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
  16. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    The report was marked valid already
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  17. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I was wrong.
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  18. UncleBee

    UncleBee VIP

    not the first time
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
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  19. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    And certainly not the last, he's only human
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Ugh. I don't want to. First I would have to go read the report, which i don't want to do, and then i'd have to read your post, which is unnecessarily long. I'm using my get out of jail free card to bypass this thread. :)
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