How do i cancel subscription

Discussion in 'Store and Donations' started by Waffies, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    I can't seem to find it, can anyone help?

  2. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    @Highwon will be able to assist you with this.
  3. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Here's a screenshot of the store webpage where your subscription shows. I drew a red arrow to where the cancel button is shown. :) The store is located at the top of the page by click "Store" or by following this link:

    • Winner Winner x 1
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  4. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    I actually don't have that section in the store, I've tried canceling it prior but i got charged for another month, what can i do?

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  5. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Then yep. This one will need to go to @Highwon . :) He'll respond when he's able.
    • Old Old x 2
  6. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    alright sounds good!
  7. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    any updates yet? its been nearly a week
  8. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    You do not have an active subscription. Your last subscription was cancelled by you on June 29th.
  9. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    why did i get charged again though? I paid for a one time payment, and even if it wasn't i wasn't given an option for cancellation during the time i had the subscription, am i eligible for a refund?
  10. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    any more updates?
  11. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    Considering this post was done on June 29th, the date @Highwon said your subscription was cancelled, that is probably why you were charged. You must've cancelled after posting this somehow, or someone cancelled it for you.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  12. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    true, however during the duration of my 1 month sub, I was never given the option to cancel the active subscription so i had just assumed it was just the one time payment which i definitely picked.
  13. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    Honestly I would think to wait to the last time that you bought the rank +1 month and then if it happens again then give Highwon a quick heads up.
  14. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    Yeah but i only intended to get 1 month, i dont really have the time or money for an active subscription, i didnt have the option to cancel it during the duration of my first month, why did i get charged again?
  15. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    Tagging @Highwon again to address the double charge.
  16. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    Its been over a week, any news?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  17. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    We couldn't find the additional charge you're mentioning. There might be a mistake on your end, because we never received any additional payments from you. Please check again.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    Thats weird, I'll take a screenshot of it from paypal when i get home to show
  19. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Opalium must have thought you were double charged which isn't the case here. Your subscription renewed automatically on June 29th. You joined one of our servers and sprayed an inappropriate spray which led to you being banned for a month globally per protocol (after several warnings and also previously being banned for an inappropriate spray). You then got on the website, cancelled your subscription (nobody else cancelled it, it was initiated by you) and now you're claiming you never got the option to cancel the subscription.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  20. Waffies

    Waffies Member

    I never cancelled it myself, i purchased a one time payment for the sub and I was charged again, i wasnt the one to cancel it after i got banned. I understand about the ban, but this a bit absurd, during the entirety of my sub there wasnt an option for a cancellation, and you claim that i cancelled it myself post ban
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