[GUIDE] How to bind keys for TTT commands

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by MasterOfWar, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. First of all, lets start off with the basic commands we have at our disposal, For the sake of scrolling down and spam ill just put the ones the normal players have access to.
    Lets start with the basics

    Switches to slot 7 (your equipment weapon) if you have one. If you have that weapon out, it will instead switch to your previous weapon. So you can quickly toggle to your equipment and back. By default the noclip key (default V) will perform this command if sv_cheats is off (else it will noclip you).

    ttt_quickslot [slot number]
    Switches to the given weapon slot without having to use the scroll menu. Switches to previous weapon if you already have the slot's weapon out, so the ttt_equipswitch command is basically just "ttt_quickslot 7".

    Toggles your Disguiser equipment if you have bought it as Traitor. Default key is Numpad Enter, this command can be used to rebind it.

    These are the basic commands you can bind with into console.

    To bind these, You should first Press this button on your keyboard [~] to open console, If this does not open go into options, Keyboard, Advanced at the bottom and Tick Enable developer console.

    Once you have any opened console, You simply need to put this exact command with the quotes only AROUND THE COMMAND into the console.
    bind [Any button] "ttt_toggle_disguise"
    So if I wanted to bind that I would put in: bind G "ttt_toggle_disguise" and thats it, The same scenario goes into the all 3 commands I listed up there, Just change the last bit into whatever you want.

    Happy traiting!
  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    More! really helpful, thanks.
  3. My pleasure