Gravity Gun Crowbar Upgrade

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    I searched this up before and i belive i have spoken to some about this to get their thoughts but what i would like to suggest is a pointshop upgrade to replace the crowbar with a Gravity gun The issues brought up with this before is that the Gravity Gun sits in slot 1, making this an upgrade (A rather expensive one) to the crowbar would be a neat addition imho. Where the Gravity Gun and the Newton launcher differ is that one focus's on inanimate objects much like the Magneto stick, but i do not believe you can pick up a corpse. Some people will counter that the magneto stick is more than enough to fling props and things but tbh, prop killing/throwing is a pain for the vast majority of players, we can not all be diekasta with our propkilling skills.


    May the Force be With You
    Atlas The Gray Jedi Knight
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. Xerp

    Xerp VIP

    Just my opinion, don't hate on it. We can discuss about it.
    1. So, it's a replacement for crowbar, like the Goresplatter. Gun is not a melee weapon. It's not going to make sense to go near a person to attack/push them with a gun.
    2. This would be a good replacement for Magneto stick.
    3. Since you've said "the magneto stick is more than enough to fling props and things", are you saying to make it's stats different from crowbar?
  3. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    As stated in the parent post the grav gun is coded to slot 1 which is the crowbar. I am sure it could be coded differently
  4. Xerp

    Xerp VIP

    Just to clarify, you want gravity gun to replace crowbar, right?
  5. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    just pick up a prop and fling it

    if you couldn't do it, increase your mouse sensitivity and move your mouse towards the target

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  6. Bj007pro

    Bj007pro Active Member

    Here! Here!
  7. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    if the coding could be done for the magneto stick i would stick it there, i just know that it is coded for the crowbar slot
  8. Bj007pro

    Bj007pro Active Member

    We need to talk about whether this is a good thing to add before we think where we'll be sticking it.
  9. Xerp

    Xerp VIP

    I would even not call it coding... XD

    For Crowbar, the code goes like Weapon.Slot = 0
    For magneto stick, the code goes like weapon.slot = 4

    The code is not accurate, but I'm damn right that it's just a matter of changing the number.

    EDIT : As a magneto stick upgrade, I see a potential, along with a number of abuses. Also, don't mind about if something is possible when suggesting something, it just needs to be a good suggestion.
  10. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    You can pick up a corpse with the magneto stick though, we see it all the time when people pick up unID'd bodies and get killed for it :woot:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I wouldn't mind seeing the gravity gun added to the game, but it would be way overpowered replacing the crowbar or the magneto stick, if I am remembering how it functions properly. Prop killing is a clean way to kill people that leaves no DNA, and is often an insta-kill when done correctly. This is offset by the difficulty of performing a successful prop through with the magneto stick. With a gravity gun, all the difficult parts are done for you. That being said, I wouldn't mind the gravity gun being added in some way, either as a credit item for Ts/Ds, an upgrade for the existing physics gun, or a weapon you can find with a rare spawn rate, like the double barrel.
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