Favorite Music?

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Shades, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Hahaha
  2. I'm more into Heavy Metal.

    My favorite modern metal track:
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  3. Arcanius

    Arcanius Oh, you like it there VIP

    mhm LOL
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Did someone make a linkin park joke already? Damn.
  5. Kalvinjetson13

    Kalvinjetson13 *CALCIUM INTENSIFIES* VIP

    The grave dig is real
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

  7. Jake

    Jake Brother of megaboy (RIP) VIP

    Mostly been listening to country lately (last year or 2). I'd post other of my favorite songs but.. lazy.
  8. Natsu | SP


  9. On the softer side, this is my favorite.

  10. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    I recently heard this song, and I don't know why but I really do like it.

    EDIT: I have not seen the music video before, but after watching it I am sorry if it offends anyone, but it shouldn't.

  11. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP