Cupcake Mayhem and Gandalf The Gay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BananaCoconuts, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player: Cupcake Mayhem and Gandalf The Gay

    Server: West 2

    Time of Occurrence: 11:50am UTC+8

    Reason For Report: Im a T. I see ThePepper with a barrel and an unidentified body, i say "I think ThePepper killed this guy with the barrel" then Gandalf The Gay says "KOS ThePepper" then ThePepper gets killed, he's an inno then Gandalf The Gay and Cupcake Mayhem calls KOS on me for false KOS but I only said "I think ThePepper killed this guy with the barrel" and Horseman and EventHorizon wont slay them

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: ThePepper
  2. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    You said someone did a traitorous act, then they died then they were innocent. It was completely allowed to kill you.
  3. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    I was there, banana clearly stated it as "I think..."

    I'm on banana's side. You don't KOS someone when another inno goes "i think XX is the T"

    This was a bullshit call, and there should have been slays.
  4. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    i forgot he said i think
  5. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    can we get some chat logs or pictures.
  6. i said "I THINK" not "HE DID"
  7. I'm sorry I could not finish these reports. It's 5 AM here and I needed to issue a ban before I went to bed.
    Was the "I think" called out by voice or chat?
    Event horizon might be able to go back and check on it if it was chat based as he is still on.
    This is probably my fault as I'm tired and read on both reports that you called a KOS on an inno. I guess I did not dig deep enough if this is indeed the case and I'm sorry.
  8. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    Really magafe? First off, how could you forget. It's written in the post that you replied to. Secondly, why would you need logs when you have witnesses? It was all on voice chat so there would be no way unless someone was recording.
  9. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    First Off, called I didn't notice as I was doing other important things. Secondly, One witness who isn't that reliable and proof will be better than you.
  10. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    This all is trash because before I kosed you you KoSed Gandalf and I was with gandalf and he did absolutly nothing.
  11. I KOSed gandalf because he called false kos on ThePepper and he was inno
  12. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    So if a player is KOS'ed and they don't kill everyone around them, they are proven?

    I'll start playing by those rules.

    Gandalf was the one who KOSed an inno and should have been atleast killed in game for it.
  13. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    Still does not matter your KoS was false in my eyes.
  14. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    You all did a false kos
    Case closed.
    Jury says you are all GUILTY!!!
  15. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

  16. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    So you KOSed on suspicion?

    Either that or this server's owner works at in-n-out and there's a whole new secret rulesheet.

    I'll have a 2x2 animal style hold the RDM
  17. i didnt call a false kos infact I DIDNT CALL KOS ON ANYONE
  18. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    Anyone except gandalf.
  19. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Why are you lying?
  20. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    On suspicion of what? of a false kos, hmmm yes very suspicious not KoSable at all...
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