Conkerd Ghosting

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Silent Rebel, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

  2. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Yes me and mangotango suspected him a couple weeks ago of it. Just diden't have enough proof till now ty.
  3. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    Okay, I cannot believe I have to make an account to appeal for something I did not do.

    First of all, I was trolling when I told you that I wanted to ghost because if you remember correct, I told you I hate ghosting. Second of all, I told you he was traitor when you were dead. You died to a traitor after you RDM'd an innocent for shooting a traitor. Third of all, you have absolutely no proof that I was ghosting as this is merely just a chatlog. Fourth of all, this is so proof of me ghosting and you just posted this because Snak wants to ban me with no hesistation because he's not smart enough to have common sense whatsoever. I have chatlog of Snak saying that he wants to ban me with no hesitation because he thinks I ghost. I can easily counter argue this and I request an appeal to this ridiculous ban that I have received as this is out of proportion. You (Snak) and Mangotango have been on my ass for two or three weeks now trying to ban me even though I am a one man army.
  4. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    You checked my friends list for ghosters and there weren't any. Silent Rebel asked me to ghost but he doesn't remember that I told him that I will absolutely never ghost. I still can't believe you want to ban me even though I told you I'm like Angelx except I actually talk in the server. HER logic is similar to mine in how it's simple to figure out who is traitor and who isn't. Also, a lot of the times you thought I was ghosting was when I had a DNA scanner but I didn't like to tell the server because I found it hilarious that you guys thought I would ghost even though I hit top score on every single map. You even said at one point after I got 13 kills in a harpoon war that I don't ghost lol.
  5. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    One thing angel is a girl

    Have a nice day
  6. conkerd

    conkerd Member

  7. Dayummmmmm.. True doe.
  8. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Please post this chatlog of me saying I want to ban you without hesitation and no your a liar and a ghoster. Enjoy the ban
  9. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    Conkerd ): you removed me? lol
    Snak: yea you escaped being ban gj
    Conkerd ): LOL
    Conkerd ): how
    Conkerd ): what happened
    Snak: besides obvious ghosting no proog
    Snak: f
    Snak: but just know we know
    Snak: :)
    Conkerd ): o_O
    Conkerd ): i have no friends
    Conkerd ): on gmod lol
    Snak: you have blocked friends that we cannot see
    Conkerd ): thats why you wanted to add me? lol nice
    Snak: because u smart cookie
    Snak: yea
    Snak: basically
    Conkerd ): wow
    Conkerd ): meanie
    Conkerd ): :(
    Conkerd ): who thought i was ghosting? you and mango?
    Snak: it was mango at first but after watching u and listening to your
    Snak: "kos's"
    Snak: it was obvious
    Conkerd ): obvious that i was or wasnt
    Snak: you got off because we have no hard proof
    Snak: id love to ban u
    Snak: right now
    Conkerd ): LOL
    Conkerd ): that makes me sad
    Conkerd ): i thought we were f-f-f-f-friends
    Snak: yea
    Snak: cant b friends with cheaters
    Conkerd ): i'm pretty sure i know i dont cheat
    Conkerd ): hehe
    Snak: u do :D
    Snak: i could name your ghoster buddies
    Conkerd ): maybe my brain cheats LOL
    Snak is now Offline.
  10. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    You also didn't say who my ghosting buddies were.
  11. Snak

    Snak Banned

    LOL are you serious? please post a screenshot of the chat not some shit that you just skewd up hahahaha
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Conkerd, ever since you've been playing, you seem to know how many people are alive and call KOS's on hunches when you're inno and there were 4 or 5 MIAs.
  13. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Guys, I'm all for punishing people who break the rules but keep it professional in here. Conkerd, there was a ton of history that hints at you ghosting on the servers. While I definitely do not approve of the efforts that were made to make you admit it, there seems to be overwhelming evidence that you were in fact ghosting in this situation and that you have done so before. I will talk to Snak and Silent about this situation, but you will sit and wait out your 30 day ban.
  14. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    You asked me to ghost the first day i met you, but i said i don't play like that. So you shrugged it off like you were joking. When i asked you to ghost, you were fine with it. Also, you told me omgtin was a traitor during my inno round. I remember it in detail. Although, steam doesn't save chat history so I had to take screenshots as I went. I don't have yesterdays screenshots of when you first asked me to ghost.
  15. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    I ghost all the time with other traitors to find out who the innocents are.
  16. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    You are pathetic and clearly have issues to think I would "skew" a conversation. Also, please look up the definition to words before you try to use it in a sentence LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    Tip reread the sentence
    Its called screwed
  18. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    :eek: Omg im turning into competer :eek:
  19. conkerd

    conkerd Member

    Are you trying to tell me that Garrys Mod has rotted his brain and he cannot spell simple words correctly? Your tip is useless. :lol:
  20. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    Congrats 1 admin against you

    *drop mic*
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