Civ 5

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Wojack, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Wojack

    Wojack Her king :3 VIP

    Hey guys!
    I'm thinking about hosting a Civ 5 Match for a few of us on here, but I just wanna see who would be on board with it.
    Have all DLC, it makes it really weird to host if not everyone has all DLC.
    The day Im thinking is on a Wednesday afternoon at like 6:30 PST.
    I'm thinking to set it to quick so we aren't playing for like 9 hours
    Probably will have quick combat and quick movement
    If there's only like 3 of us doing it I'll have some AI on
    Maybe do teams?
    If y'all are down respond so I can try to organize a day for it