Changes to PvP

Discussion in 'Archived Minecraft Discussion' started by Deathbyrussian, Feb 12, 2017.


Should we extend the day/night cycle?

  1. Yes, 30min/15min

    38 vote(s)
  2. No, keep it 10min/7.5min

    6 vote(s)
  3. Neither; other option posted as a reply.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Deathbyrussian

    Deathbyrussian Creator of Worlds - Emerald

    Hey everyone.

    So, I'm sure a large majority of you have noticed that there's a problem with the PvP on the server. It's a kill-fest that breeds hostility and allows PvPers to openly kill people that just want to play PvE.

    When we launched the server, PvP was turned off in claims. This was actually a mistake on my part, because we were planning on having PvP enabled in claims from the beginning, but I didn't change the setting in the GP config. But we decided to roll with it to see what happens. And what happened was people were abusing it.

    I won't go into detail as to why we enabled PvP in claims here since I've already mentioned it in another post found here:

    Many people have been expressing their dislike of having PvP enabled in claims, and as such there have been many good points brought up about the topic, namely that it's easy to spawn-camp someone and prevent them from doing anything, and that it makes doing anything very difficult.

    We can't just get rid of PvP as it's a core mechanic, and we can't disable PvP in claims because of the exploits. So instead, we've decided to implement some changes to the PvP system in hopes of meeting both sides in the middle. These changes are based on feedback we've received from you all.

    The changes are:

    • Turned PvP off everywhere for everyone during the day, and on everywhere for everyone during the night. There will be an announcement before night comes and ends, announcing that PvP will be enabled or disabled, respectively.
    • Added a 10 minute no-PvP cooldown after being killed. The cooldown will be cancelled if you attack someone before it has expired.
    • Added an optional /pvptoggle command during the day. This command will not be usable during the night.

    Poll Info

    One of the main concerns the PvP at night feature brings up is that the Vanilla MC day/night cycle is fairly short, at about 10 minutes for daytime and 7.5 minutes for nighttime. To remedy this, we can extend both the day and night cycles to make both last a bit longer, roughly 30 minutes for daytime and 15 minutes for nighttime.

    This would allow players 30 minutes each MC day to work on their bases, gather resources, etc, without fear of being killed, and would allow people that want to PvP 15 minutes per MC day to hunt others.

    We will only implement this if the majority chooses to extend the day/night cycle in the above poll.

    Thank you for your patience as we balance the server, and thank you for all of your suggestions on how to fix the PvP issue.
    Also, please keep in mind that we can't please everyone. This is the best compromise we could come up with that doesn't remove any core gameplay mechanics from the server.

    We don't have an official date for when these changes will be implemented, but expect them within the next week or so. I will update this thread when we have a date.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
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  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I always thought the days were too short! Making great changes, SMC Team!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    I mentioned this in another thread, but would it be possible to disable teleport/warp commands for attackers until night ends? It prevents people from rushing to the safety of their base after they get a head and puts more pressure on them.
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    Could there be an option implemented where I can challenge a friend or just another player to a duel anytime of the day? What I mean is just an option, like lets say Borderlands 2 CoOp, where you do an action that challenges the player to a fight to the death. The player can accept or decline the invitation so its not a forced thing, but itll still be cool and I will still be able to bully @Grim :p
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
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  5. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    30/15 minutes sounds absolutely perfect. Thanks for all of your hard work and patience @Deathbyrussian and @irritatingness .

    Another popular idea was a toggle for those that do wish to PvP during the day. Is this still an option?
  6. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    I think it might have just been left out of the OP, but yeah, the way I've been writing it, there's a check for the daytime toggle. Gonna have to work on some cooldown/timer mechanics on that to prevent abuse though.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Obviously there are still ways to kill people even if PvP is off. What's allowed and what isn't or is it all fair game?

    Things like:
    Traps that don't require the owner to trigger that I set up in my claim and such. Traps that I trigger by pressing a button that I trick people to TP to or otherwise. Someone won't leave my claim (let's say they are standing on blocks I'm trying to build on) so I pour lava on them.
  8. Deathbyrussian

    Deathbyrussian Creator of Worlds - Emerald

    Yea sorry guys, I left the pvptoggle out of the post by accident. It's been fixed.
  9. Grim

    Grim VIP

    Y u do dis to me Hans?
  10. Sir Clutch

    Sir Clutch they gonna talk bout me Banned VIP

    Hello been almost two weeks, we built a 150x150x~100 dome in this time
  11. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    It's a custom plugin. Working on finishing changes today. I work on these during free time between school and outside projects, timelines are sometimes a bit off.
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