Denied Canceled Fish's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Canceled Fish, Feb 12, 2017.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Canceled Fish
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I'm banned for 28 days on all servers. Not sure why.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I may have video evidence or something.​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @Agent A banned you for RDM & Leave 3rd Offense with history. He'll respond as soon as he can.
  3. I haven't had any "history" for a long time. I don't know why you guys keep saying that every time I'm involved in any kind of dispute at all.
  4. Pls tell me this has nothing to do with me shooting Sally Chen because I messaged the mods about that and nobody answered me and I said I was leaving.
  5. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    I was doing my rounds for unreported damage for the previous round since I need to catch up with unreported damages.


    This is the one where you killed Boku no harambe. I checked for any plausible reason, but didn't find one.

    However, you left the server before I could ask.


    This is the history, where you had two RDMx3 bans and 3 RDM and Leave bans with SoL still active.

    Care to explain why you kill Boku no harambe?
  6. I guess I have been banned for RDM and leave 3 times in the last 2 months. That's unusual for me though because I don't usually go around intentionally breaking the rules and I'll serve my slays if I need to. I admittedly could not use my mic as much as I do to break the rules unless there's an accident. But you can't seriously expect me to remember something like that! I looked through all the video I had of me playing gmod yesterday, which was online like 10 minutes long and on the Dust map, and I couldn't find me shooting him. Do you know what map and round it was? The video isn't working for me.
  7. You weren't even on during this time that I was on yesterday so I'm not sure when this was.
  8. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    If I wasn't on at the same time you were on, I wouldn't gone back to the previous round to report unreported damage and scroll up to find you leaving the server. This occurred on round 2 of Nipper House. I was on the server as seen below in the old logs.


    So back to the question, why did you kill Boku no harambe?
  9. I have footage from me playing yesterday (only 10 minutes) and it was only on Dust. In the footage, you aren't on the server so I apologize for the misunderstanding. If I knew when this was, I might be able to go back and find video if it was before yesterday. The footage I have from yesterday is at about 4PM EST. I have no clue why I killed Boku no harambe. Can you reupload the video so I can watch it? Maybe it'll refresh my memory.
  10. I actually don't have any videos for Garry's Mod besides that 10 minutes.
  11. I remember one incident (on this map) where someone on that map had pushed someone else and me with a crowbar, doing damage to me and might have done damage to the other player. I killed a person for this and I remember that it wasn't directly after he'd pushed us and traitor baited. If this was the case, I can see why I wasn't reported for this. I would love to see the video though. The link is still not working for me. Keep getting playback ID 9tlEFVH1TXnQoufS.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
  12. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

  13. This video works for me. It's in the same place that the scenario I described happened. Is there any way to get footage from before this? I know crowbar pushes don't show up on the logs anymore, so I can't really prove it, but his crowbar is out during this video which kind of confirms my scenario but not really because he could have had his crowbar out for any reason. I wouldn't have randomly shot him and left, especially if there was an admin or mod on.
  14. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    After checking the old logs, he hasn't done any damage to you or to another player by crowbar pushes. If he has done any damaged to you or another player by pushing with crowbar, it would've appeared in the logs/old logs under his name. Even so by there (from the deathscene), the fall distance isn't that big enough to cause any fall damage to you.
  15. Well, in the scenario I described, it starts out on the big ledge above that shack. He initially pushes a guy onto that house roof, I believe, and I shot him after, thinking it was traitorous because he could have taken fall damage if he didn't move so quickly. This might not be the same scenario, but it looks awfully close. If there's no other way to get proof, maybe I could serve a slay ingame now? I remember a mod telling me before that crowbar pushes don't show up in the logs anymore, so I can't prove that he pushed me or someone else. Falling from the top of that shack will certainly do a little bit of damage though unless you walk down the sides of the ceiling. I see that we have both taken a little bit of damage each, so maybe that was the result of us pushing each other before I killed him.
  16. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    After discussiong this global ban with couple people, I'm going to deny this appeal.

    1) You are still unsure of why you killed Boku no harambe. After checking the old logs, there are two cases where you could've done the same thing.
    2) You have a negative history here. Fortunately, most of the SoL are expired. Unfortunately, it still reflects you as a player if they still hold true. There are more I would like to bring here but I can't due to limitations, which I will not be discussing.

    For these two reasons, I will be denying your ban appeal. If you would like to discuss this ban appeal, you can feel free to do so with my lead admin, @Falcor .

    Appeal: Denied.
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