Answered Calling off KOSes

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Python~, Dec 11, 2016.


Which would/should occur?

  1. Option 1

  2. Option 2

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Player A called out Player B accidentally
    Player A calls off the KOS in chat and over voice
    Later, Player C kills Player B for there being a KOS on them earlier in the round
    In the report that B files, C states that he knows the KOS was called off, but "a KOS is a KOS"
    So in this situation, who would be slain, A or C?
    A for calling the KOS (Option 1), or C for acting out on it even though he recognized it had been removed (Option 2)?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
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  2. King_of_Assassins

    King_of_Assassins VIP Emerald

    If player C is aware that the kos was called off he would be slain for RDM.
  3. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    C would be slain, as he has acknowledged the KOS was called off.

    Meaning there is no longer a KOS as he has acknowledged it.

    EDIT: Also discretion might be sought out for attempting to loophole a KOS just to kill someone.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    Player C would be slain for knowing that the KOS was called off. Seeing how Player C knew that the KOS was called off, there was no reason for Player B to be killed, assuming he did no traitorous acts otherwise. If Player C did NOT know that the KOS was called off, Player A would be slain for the false KOS, as it resulted in his death.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    You are responsible for any KOS you call. I've decided to make a little chart to simplify pretty much any scenario resulting from any KOS in voice or in text chat.

    KOS Caller Gets Slain When:
    • The KOS is called for any reason that isn't a Traitorous Act.
    • The KOS is called on the wrong player.
    • The KOS is called off but the KOS player is still killed due to the original KOS. (Only if the killer is unaware of the KOS being called off. Lying about this would be considered loopholing)
    • They call a KOS on one of their Traitor Buddies
    Person Following a KOS Gets Slain When:
    • They knowingly follow a KOS even though they've acknowledged it being redacted.
    • They follow a KOS on one of their Traitor Buddies
    Nothing Happens to Either Party When:
    • A KOS is called on a player and said player is killed because they've committed a Traitorous Act. (Does not include Detectives)
    • A "Crossfire KOS" is called on the wrong player when trying to use the TTT_Radio bind to call out a player committing a Traitorous Act.
    • A false KOS is called, but the KOSed player doesn't take any damage resulting from the KOS.
    • The KOSed player, after being killed, turns out to be a teammate. (As long as they had been KOSed due to committing a Traitorous Act.

    Note that KOSes are only punishable if the KOSed player is actually harmed by the calling of the KOS. If no damage is done, nobody will be slain.
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