Denied Berries's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Berries, May 29, 2018.

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  1. Berries

    Berries VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Metro Boomin
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Your In Game Nickname:

    Metro Boomin

    Your Steam ID:


    Which Server:

    West 2

    Why you should be unbanned:

    Sniped a traitor on accident because I didn't see the "T" symbol, it was almost the end of the round, the reporter forgave me after I told him it was an accident, he even said it in the chat for the admin not to punish me. I was then reported 2 more times for seperate cases, and banned for Mass RDM when it should have been slays.

    Evidence of Innocence: Check the server chat logs, I relaunched my game so the logs of him saying it in the chat in the console disappeared.​
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Lion

    Lion Ryan's Favorite Admin VIP

    @wink Who banned you for Mass RDM 3x
  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

  4. Berries

    Berries VIP

  5. Berries

    Berries VIP

    Those are incredibly old and not really related to the current situation, let's think about what actually happened here. I have nothing to say about them because they are irrelevent? Was that the answer you were looking for?
  6. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    They are very relevant to your situation; Your ban was extended and globalized with these recent(a month isn't incredibly old) misdoings in mind. I'd appreciate an explanation I can consider when weighing this appeal and it's outcome.
  7. Berries

    Berries VIP

  8. Berries

    Berries VIP

    Why do you think previous bans automatically make every ban they receive guilty?

    You can also extend the ban as much as you want, that doesn't change the fact it's false.

  9. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    This isn't the place to go on a tangent about how admins/leads handle bans and extensions; you are more than welcome to take it to my inbox if you want to discuss that in detail.

    If you want to give an explanation for those previous bans and your misdoings during them, by all means post it and I'd happily consider it when weighing the outcome of this appeal. Otherwise, we'll wait for d3ath to post his evidence, and we'll proceed from there.
  10. Berries

    Berries VIP

    Sorry if it comes off as rude but I didn't ask you to review my appeal, the admin who banned me promised in steam chat he would do my appeal, so I'll wait.
  11. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    I am Destiny Blade and my evidence of your Mass RDM X3 is here.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oh and before you decide to try and bring my history up I will link the appeal here.
  12. D3ATH_TH3_K1D

    D3ATH_TH3_K1D You gotta soul that needs a reapin? VIP

    I said I would handle your appeal, and yes I will when I have the moment and am at my computer, however, wink is a lead, who Is also involved. And is taking in account your history, which is why globalised your ban.
  13. D3ATH_TH3_K1D

    D3ATH_TH3_K1D You gotta soul that needs a reapin? VIP

    Alright, so originally i had banned you for RDM and leave X3, which i had discussed with wink, he had extended it after reviewing your history. What i banned you for were the following 3 reports for your Traitor round as seen here

    You had killed 3 fellow Traitor's because you couldn't see the T above their head, but... that has never been an issue for others in the past, unless they were new to gmod, or had reinstalled the game. Do you have any evidence of it showing no T above their head?
  14. Berries

    Berries VIP

    I don’t have evidence of the glitch but in the first report the guy said in chat not to punish me because he understood the accident. I also do not know what you are talking about “RDM and Leavex3” because I was in the server the whole time and should have just gotten slays for RDMx2
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  15. D3ATH_TH3_K1D

    D3ATH_TH3_K1D You gotta soul that needs a reapin? VIP

    So the 3 reports that showed upon you show that you had killed 3 fellow T buddies, I mixed up my words and ment to say mass rdm x3. It was counted up to 3 instead of two because it is the moderators discretion to decide forgiveness if it was accidental. In the case of this situation, it was not.
  16. Nuno

    Nuno Nothing is better than Tesco's own brand gin Administrator VIP Silver

    • User was warned for this post.
    I know i don't have much to even be part of this, only I like reading them, however, i wanted to see if you not seeing the 'T' symbol above their head was a viable reason, so i tested it in game with a sniper, and i came up with the following results.

    As you can see from the images, if they are your T Buddy, it shows a red ring around them, with and without scope, therefore you should be able to easily identify your buddies, even if you can't see the T Symbol.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  17. Berries

    Berries VIP

    "I know i don't have much to even be part of this" Okay, acknowledge what you said and think about it for a second, did anybody ask for your opinion? So I'd leave, not like your argument made any sense to begin with, cause I wasn't using a sniper.
  18. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    This ban was indeed a valid mass rdm x3; considering a victim’s forgiveness is left to the staff members discretion, and this was a case where it was simply was not considered.

    Looking at all factors here and considering your history, the ban will stay. Please give our rules a read over and exercise more caution in the future.
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