Important Before Making a Suggestion

Discussion in 'Minecraft Suggestions' started by Deathbyrussian, Jan 22, 2017.

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  1. Deathbyrussian

    Deathbyrussian Creator of Worlds - Emerald

    Before making a suggestion, please take note of the following rules:
    1. Search before making a suggestion to avoid clutter and spam. If you fail to search before posting and your thread has already been suggested, it will be removed.
    2. Your title must be related to the suggestion.
    3. Keep it to 1 suggestion per thread.
    4. No thread hijacking! Do not post your suggestion in another thread, create a new thread. Posting your suggestion in another thread is thread hijacking and suggested punishment is a one day ban and 3 warning points.
    Punishments for not following these rules can vary from a warning, forum ban, or your thread being moved/deleted.
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