Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Nax, Aug 12, 2013.

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  1. Nax

    Nax Member

    I was banned some time late last night (8/11/2013) for 14 days, and i don't why. I tried to look my name up on the ban list but I couldn't find myself (Nax). The servers great, but I didn't do anything wrong. Plus I had a feeling the person who banned me just didn't like me (not to be offensive (or jump to any conclusion), but that's the only thing I can think of). It might have also been a misunderstanding on what happened.
  2. Nax

    Nax Member

    Plus I wasn't slain or anything. The admins i remember playing with were: Cupcake Mayhem, Highwon, and another one but i dont remember his name (he had a Vendetta skin on his character, if that helps)
  3. Nax

    Nax Member

    I RDM'ed once before but it was only a one day ban and I didn't do it again afterwards, so that's why I'm confused to why this time I'm banned
  4. Sofa King

    Sofa King Member

    Hey, i'll try to get a mod or admin to look into this. I wouldn't be happy either if I was banned for 2 weeks and didn't know why myself.
  5. Nax

    Nax Member

    Thanks a million.
  6. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Hey, what is your in game name and steam i.d.? I seem to remember you being banned but need to look at why.
  7. Nax

    Nax Member

    My in game name is Nax
  8. Nax

    Nax Member

  9. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    You were banned for RDM and Leave second offense. I talked to the person who banned you and the ban stays.
  10. Sofa King

    Sofa King Member

  11. Nax

    Nax Member

    I honestly don't believe I did that, but whatever since I can't do anything to revoke it.
  12. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    08/11/13 10:40PM

    rdm and leave (second time)
    08/25/13 10:40PM
    Cupcake Mayhem
    Steam ID
    Banned by
  13. Nax

    Nax Member

    I didn't get off the server until around 1AM so i didn't even leave and or RDM, so i don't see how that's fair and justifiable.
  14. Nax

    Nax Member

    I did lag during the game, and maybe that's what it could've been and also if i ever killed someone who was innocent it was an honest mistake, why would I want to RDM after i got banned again?
  15. Nax

    Nax Member

    got banned the first time*
  16. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Edit Button :3
  17. Nax

    Nax Member

    I'm guessing you aren't going to try to understand my side of the story...
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