Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by 2happy2pee, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    In Game Nickname: 2happy2pee
    Steam Id: idk sorry

    Why I should be unbanned: So we were playing on a full server at about 5:30pm yesterday and there was still a TON of afk people on. I felt they should be kicked so that there could be room on the server so i expressed my discontent by hitting 2 of the afks (out of like five) ONCE with my crowbar. Then i went along on my way. We played two more rounds then switched maps. I am then slain. Shocked I confronted the only mod on at the time Gristle McThornBody about me being slayed. I was given the reason of MASS RDM with a crowbar and that he had slain me for three rounds. When I pointed out that i had killed no one he referred to my offense as mass damage rdm. I can see how this would make sense in other circumstances but sense i delt out no more than 30 points of damage to two afk people i didnt think it should be desrcibed as such. I expressed my discontent and pointed out how a person who actually rdmed the round before was only being slayed for one round, but this did nothing to change his mind. So angered and annoyed I left to play a different server (why would i wait three rounds?). I never got back on until this morning when i received the message for a five day ban. I have no idea how i acquired it other then Gristle being butthurt about me calling him a bad mod and giving me a mass rdm and leave for hitting two afks once with a crowbar.
    Evidence of Innocence: got a five day ban for hitting two people once with a crowbar. Did i mention they were afk?
  2. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Damaging players for no reason is considered rdm. And you cannot damage/kill afk players until it is overtime. You should have gotten slain for 2 rounds. Leaving while being on a round you are getting slain on is RDM and leave. If you actually took the time to read the rules you would know it is a 5 day ban. And Why wait for 3 rounds? Well to get the full punishment of what you did. If the server is full afk players will be kicked once they are pushed into spectator. He had all the rights to ban you but its up to him to unban you now.
  3. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    so i have to stay even though i had already been slain? if im spectating i have the right to leave. A mass rdm is considered 30 points of damage to afk people? In the rules it says the first time you rdm its a one round slay. The mod gave me three. That is not even a punishment in the rules. It would be rdm and leave if i had left before the slay but i had already been slain and there was no reason for that punishment.
  4. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Doing ANY damage of that type is rdm if you had no reason. Afk or not. And you have to stay the WHOLE round.
  5. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    Your missing the point that when i was full on rdmed the guy who did it only received one round. How does what i did worse than that? Also i had already been slain what do you want me to do just sit staring at my screen? I wanted to stop playing so i left why does not wanting to play gmod anymore receive a 5 day ban?
  6. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    No, you did something worse than him, you rdmed 2 people, he rdmed one. And yes if you are punished you have to stare at your screen for the amout of rounds that you are slain. Its a punishment not meant to be enjoyable.
  7. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    So if i had gotten up from my computer and walked away i wouldnt have been banned, but since i closed down steam and walked away i get a five day ban? This also happened to a vip called TehZapp hes one of the reasons highwon can keep the sever going yet you are going to keep our bans. You cant look at this in black in white. You really have to see it in a reasonable way afks are not going to care if you hit them once with a crowbar. Please stop being snobby about it and just admit that its not fair. Rdm and leave should be classified on this server as it is on others as killing someone and leaving before you can receive your slay.
  8. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Look, its the rules, follow them and you will be okay. Its not that hard. Im not being snobby but if those afk came back with 60 health and they were Ts it wouldnt be fun would it? It is rdm, and you left during a slay.
  9. TehZapp

    TehZapp VIP

    Does not say that in the rules
  10. TehZapp

    TehZapp VIP

    Yep, surprise surprise. 4 mods could not answer a simple question. LEL
  11. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    You have to stay the round. We are done fighting this. Come again after your ban is done.
  12. TehZapp

    TehZapp VIP

    I understand, I just want to know how the fuck we would know that when its not written anywhere
  13. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    TehZapp its no use these guys are total assholes their not going to answer your questions or even look at it in a fair way just pull your membership and go to a different server. sorry.
  14. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    You guys are the first 2 people that ive known.. DOnt know rule.
  15. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Its no use arguing, an admin will handle it.
  16. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

  17. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Tehzap I don't understand why your complianing about these rules when you've played long enough on this server to see other moderators/admins enforce them. And 2happy we take rdm very seriously on this server weither you killed the person or not. The rules say no killing afks so doing damaging to them at all is literally no different. It is up to the moderator who banned you to unban you, until he has made his final decision you will stay banned. You may play on our east server till then.
  18. Gristle McThornbody

    Gristle McThornbody Active Member

    I stick by my ban. You had been rdming and harassing players and staff. I believe you went do far as to say 'ban me, I don't care' when you left.
  19. 2happy2pee

    2happy2pee Member

    wait what? I had just given up and was going to accept the ban but what the fuck?! Harassing players and staff? You were the only staff on at the time and the only thing i said to you was "your a bad mod". If that's harassment to you then i apologize for you having the self esteem of a six year old. I think we already established what i did was deserving of a slay and i realize that now, but you just took it extremely out of context making me think more and more that my ban was solely based on your distaste for me after i questioned your mod skills. This is even more so apparent when you say i said 'ban me, I dont care'. since i never said anything like that it seems you really did ban me for the hell of it. you were just lucky rules could technically justify it or you would be the one banned not me. I hope you can keep your mod for at least another week, but your sure to abuse it if someone hurts your fragile ego.
  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If I were a T and was AFK and came back with enough damage to know it wasn't some stupid prop glitch, I'd be pretty damn upset. The rule states that you can only kill AFK players in overtime. Which is what I interpret as you let them be until it's overtime; hurting them would be considered traitorous and would get you killed in game, and then if you were an inno hurting other innos, regardless of their AFK status, it's RDM. If you want them to look at it with grey areas, then you have to look at their grey areas as well; which just may be the way they interpret rules vs the way you interpret them.
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