Afk server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tentajuul, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. Tentajuul

    Tentajuul VIP

    US east practically serves as the afk point farming server and I think it should be renamed to such.
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  2. Tentajuul

    Tentajuul VIP

    When was the last time u played a game on east?

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  3. littlememe

    littlememe nothinglastsforever VIP Bronze

    I don't think we need to rename it. Just use it as an AFK server.
    What if west is getting ddos and people still want to play modded. Like yesterday, vanilla 1 was getting ddosed and people just went over to vanilla 2.
  4. Aquast

    Aquast lordy was here :barefoot: VIP Bronze

    I'm gonna repop east when i get home
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  5. j3kawesome

    j3kawesome "mestimate" - Indy226 Administrator VIP Silver

    I do not see a reason to change the name to an AFK server, but I know that there have been some problems of people joining east over the past few days