A Quick Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sungamer, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. sungamer

    sungamer Member

    Is this normal? Pleading to admins to help with rdm.png Ryan leaving after ignoring a clear rdm.png
  2. sungamer

    sungamer Member

    Like he just left after I notified that bozoboy rdm'd me even though I was proven and another person on the mic said.
  3. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    You can still be killed even if you are "proven" according to yourself or others. As for the Ryan part, it's possible he had something come up and had to leave right then, even after you messaged him. But it's true he should've responded to you before dipping. Does that make sense or do you have other questions?
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  4. sungamer

    sungamer Member

    Can you elaborate on how I can be killed if i am proven?
  5. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    You can be killed if you shoot at or damage others, no matter if you are proven or not. Not everyone will pay attention to the voicechat or chat for who is or isn't proven. That's just the risk of killing people in the trouble in terror towns. Anything else my man?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Saturnity

    Saturnity SGMs Personal Planet VIP

    Here is a good rule to live by on TTT;

    Damaging (Even 1HP) or Killing a player is KOSable no matter what.

    No matter what applies to literally everything except if you are a detective.
  7. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Nobody is proven untill you are proven by tester right in front of the player in question. For all other proven factors they are unstable and not to be trusted.

    You can trust others and self proven. But you have no valid proof that they are proven.
  8. Agent Knockout

    Agent Knockout Шуми Марица, окърваена! Плаче вдовица, ранена! VIP

    Lemme just say something that the others didnt cover. Proven or not, T acts still still apply to you. Proven is just a word to say that you are probably innocent. That does not grant immunity to T acts, so call out the T weapons, etc.
  9. Nunn

    Nunn Active Member

    You can fix this easily, just open the console (Normally, the console is in the bind). Opening the console, enter record, then type stop.
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