2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could think of

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by BillStevenson, Oct 7, 2013.

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  1. BillStevenson

    BillStevenson New Member

    Edit: Forgot to add my information:

    In-Game Name: Bill Stevenson
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2878612

    Edit #2: Just checked the bans page that tells you why you were banned.. it says "mass rdm" under my name. Is this some sort of joke? I killed ONE kid that was innocent because he was beating me with a crowbar or stabbing me and I get banned for "mass" rdm'ing.. LOL.

    Okay so I'm playing on this bowling alley map and I'm carrying around a bowling ball just minding my own business when this little kid runs up to me and says "let's go get tested," so I oblige and follow him.

    He then randomly starts screaming that he has a suspicion for me and I'm like "what the fuck? We're going to get tested, see for yourself kid." Note: I was innocent and apparently so was he.

    So I'm running behind him and all of a sudden he turns around and starts yelling "let's damage test you," or something along those lines, and he starts either punching me with a crowbar or stabbing me or something but I dropped from like 100% to 40% health before I pulled out my gun and killed him.

    All of a sudden he was reporting me for RDM'ing, a mod (his name was Gristle Thornbody or something along like that) gagged me for no reason, then banned me without any warning or reasoning at all.

    I re-join a few minutes later and I wasn't banned anymore so I told the mod that I was going to report him for falsely banning me and then he just kept asking "who unbanned you?"

    Then he starts randomly accusing me of "hacking" my way back into the server and gave me a 2-day ban for no proven reason at all.

    Screenshot of him banning me for "hacking" my way back onto the server:


    I'd like to be unbanned so I can play with my sister/friend that actively play on the server.
  2. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Gristle Mcthornbody will respond shortly.
  3. BillStevenson

    BillStevenson New Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Alright, thank you.
  4. Gristle McThornbody

    Gristle McThornbody Active Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Ok, first of all - you have a 24hr ban for RDMing 3 people in the same round.

    Secondly, you were gagged for the second time right before your ban for repeatedly yelling at another player and calling him a fag. In fact, right before you RDM'd the third of three - you said "fuck you, fag" and shot him for following you.

    Both through repeated harassment and RDM, you qualified for a ban at the point that I enacted it for 24 hours.

    Please be more respectful of players in the future and you are welcome to play on the west server as long as you can abide by the rules.
  5. BillStevenson

    BillStevenson New Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    If you want to be a little more accurate, I said "stop fucking stabbing me kid," and he started screaming that "he wasn't stabbing me," but can you please explain why I went from 100% to 40% and he was the only one around?

    Another part of the story that you got completely wrong is that I didn't kill three people that round, LOL, he was the first person I came in contact with. I was sitting in the bowling alley throwing bowling balls around for fun until he came up to me.

    Yet ANOTHER part of the story you got wrong was that I was following HIM, HE was not following ME.

    Would you like to explain the whole "I'm re-banning you because I think you're hacking," segment of my appeal? I'm sure it'd be nice of you to not completely ignore a rather large portion of the appeal itself.
  6. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    not sure if this is much help, but when i was afk i tabbed back in and heard this guy yell "fucking faggot" (sdomething of that sort) in which gristle gagged him like the good mod he is. with this guy's attitude and toxic behavior it's hard to believe anything he says.
  7. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Upon investigating the logs, it seems you were improperly punished. I'm going to unban you and remove the ban from your record.

    Gristle has been given a warning to properly investigate reports and follow the guidelines set by the motd.

    Also while reviewing the logs, I noticed you like to insult other players. I would ask for you to refrain from that type of behavior.
  8. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    However you did kill the wrong person which was RDM but you should've been slain for it.

    04:18.42 - DMG: 	 gandhi [traitor] damaged Bill Stevenson [innocent] for 27 dmg
    04:19.24 - DMG: 	 gandhi [traitor] damaged Bill Stevenson [innocent] for 27 dmg
    04:19.44 - DMG: 	 Bill Stevenson [innocent] damaged [FG]Nick7532 [innocent] for 2 dmg
    04:20.53 - DMG: 	 Bill Stevenson [innocent] damaged [FG]Nick7532 [innocent] for 37 dmg
    04:20.53 - DMG: 	 Bill Stevenson [innocent] damaged [FG]Nick7532 [innocent] for 68 dmg
    04:20.53 - KILL:	 Bill Stevenson [innocent] killed [FG]Nick7532 [innocent]
  9. BillStevenson

    BillStevenson New Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    I just tried reconnecting to the East server and it says I'm permanently banned now?

    Edit: An admin that I accidentally shot and killed (I did apologize for it and admitted it, fully allowing the Slay to go through following the round) named thanks4thefish just banned me permanently from both the East/West server, that's just beautiful. He literally said "it's been fun having you troll the server bye," then I got perma'd. All I did was accidentally RDM him (admittedly) and he perma bans me?
  10. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    That was not a missclick you rdmed me and two other mods you then claimed that a player was being racsit which he wasn't. STTT does not need people like you who come on and make the server horrible for everyone else. Please never come back.
  11. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Those "misclicks" are a lie, for both fish and skyrossm which was afk! And you shot him twice in the head.
  12. Gristle McThornbody

    Gristle McThornbody Active Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Abooose! Misclicks! Racists!

    He's like the Glenn Beck of trolls.
  13. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    I smelt troll as soon as I read the first report...
  14. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    He's permabanned now on both servers I think so :mrgreen: And yes he was very annoying on the mic
  15. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    actually hes only banned fror a month now.
  16. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    The server doesn't need trolls. I support fish, his judgment is usually really sound.

    ... that and this guy used the word stupidest. Which isn't a word.
  17. MckeonHitman

    MckeonHitman Serious Member

    Re: 2-Day Ban for probably the stupidest reason I could thin

    Lol I agree
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