Separate names with a comma.
thank you
All in due time. I have a new baby I need to care for.
...? What the fuck haha
Name of Staff/Player: ✟Satsujinkei✟ Steam ID of Staff/Player: STEAM_0:1:82044584 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84653693 Which Server: East 2 Which Map:...
The ban length was due to your history of RDM and leave as well as mass RDM bans.
But it is also just better in general to let us know that it may happen especially if you had already lost connection once.
you could have been Leaving and rejoining to avoid your slay and mess with staff for slaying you in the first place. You could have also told...
Either way there is not much more that I can say on the subject so I will just retag @Grimoire+ to conclude.
I did not in fact hear any racial slurs or homophobic comments being made. I am sorry that you guys feel that you were failed but I did not hear...
My only problem is that I did not witness the harassment happening. All I got was you telling me and without me being able to witness the...
@Wafflecomics Waiting on a reply.
Hello I wanna start by apologizing about yesterday as it was just a little bit hectic. Now I did indeed see the messages but as LionBattery was...