Deathrun Suggestions
Any suggestions you have would go in here. If you are suggesting a map or model, please include pictures and a link to download. We won't consider maps/models unless there are pictures & a download link.
Suggest new maps or changes to existing maps here. Please make sure you provide a link and screenshots.
- Discussions:
- 42
- Messages:
- 281
Latest: remove sonic, Nov 23, 2020 -
Player Models
Suggest player models here. Please make sure you provide a link and screenshots.
- Discussions:
- 78
- Messages:
- 733
Latest: Runner and Death: A stardust crusader meets a vampire Lady Cloudia, Dec 26, 2020 -
Knife Skins
Suggest knife skins here. Please make sure you provide a link and screenshots.
- Discussions:
- 4
- Messages:
- 33
Latest: Falchion Knife | Doppler (Phase 4) Elvis, Dec 10, 2020 -
Suggest trails here. Please make sure you provide a link and screenshots.
- Discussions:
- 9
- Messages:
- 58
Latest: Emma Watson Trail Pls wubby, Dec 23, 2020 -
Fun Rounds
Suggest new fun rounds or changes to existing fun rounds here.
- Discussions:
- 14
- Messages:
- 142
Rules and Protocol
Suggest changes to our rules here, as well as protocol changes you would like to see.
- Discussions:
- 5
- Messages:
- 53
Latest: Updated Rules ArcticFox29, May 14, 2017
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