Answered UnID bodies

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Python~, May 29, 2015.

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  1. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Loopholing is using a hard to prove rule to get around a slay. For example, claiming there was an unID'd body when there was not, or when the player hadn't gotten a chance to ID it. It's stretching a rule, or lying on a report to get around a rule.

    In a case like this, even if you were to strategically place unID'd bodies, if a player ignored it you would be in full right to kill them. Now, if you placed them all in say, a big pile and killed anyone who got within 10ft of that pile (for example), but didn't give them an opportunity to ID - that would be loopholing. Along with placing a body somewhere people wouldn't see but would walk by, for example placing it under a table, with you crouched in a corner. The player walks by the table, can't see the body because they aren't crouched, and you kill them for it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    A detective not IDing bodies for the purpose of having other players walk by it so they have an excuse to kill them is considered loopholing, not a tactic.

    As an innocent, it can be considered a tactic because the person walking by the body can also kill you for being near it, but as a detective, you are setting an innocent player up to commit what is seemingly a "traitorous act" just so you have an excuse to kill them whether it's because you want the round to end quicker, for your own safety, whatever; it doesn't matter, you can't do it.

    I'll try putting it into perspective....
    >Player A finds a jihad.
    >Player A goes up to Player B.
    >A drops the jihad and tells B to pick it up.
    >B picks it up.
    >A kills B for being in possession of a T-weapon.

    This is loopholing, and it's not allowed.

    Our final ruling is that you may not do this as a detective because you are taking advantage of a loophole in a rule to get away with killing because you intentionally put them in a situation where you can kill them, and they can't kill you. However, you may do this as an innocent, though it's still not what I would personally do for moral reasons.

    Also to save some time...
    • We are aware that there may be other rules that contradict the logic of this one.
    • We are aware that a lot of players may disagree with this rule
    • We are aware that this may cause some discomfort with players who like this play style while playing TTT.
    Even with all that being said, this is the final ruling as it will cause the least casualties, and will result in the least amount of players feeling victimized and having their rounds ruined opposed to the other ruling.

    TL;DR: Yeah, it can be considered as loopholing if you're a detective if you're intentionally doing it to kill people.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
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