You shouldn't be slain/banned for killing Mass Rdmers.

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Pikachu, Mar 9, 2017.

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  1. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    So many times in my hours of playing TTT, you have those guys that literally come on to just Mass RDM. Sometimes staff isn't on sometimes they are. In cases that they aren't on you'll have maps and maps of RDM until they are either karma banned, or finally a staff comes on. Or they get slain, mass rdm again before they get banned. Now no one likes mass rdm (Unless it's a funny innocent jihad as a joke, or c4, etc) But blantant mass RDM no one likes. So as a player who doesn't like to just get rdmd by a obvious mass rdmer, I like to RDM them before they can start the mass rdm again. Regardless if I'm a traitor and they are, or detective,etc. Now the fact that you get slain for stopping Mass Rdm is quite stupid. Many times a mass rdmer will come on and just start killing. So next round I take justice into my own hands since most of the time it happens without staff on. I kill them, they usual do a troll report, and keep rdming until I stop them. Now the problem is when a staff member finally comes on, checks the reports and see's me rdming. Even though I'm only rdming a mass rdmer who will ruin the gaming experience. Many times I've been slain for killing mass rdmers who end up getting banned anyways and it's pretty ridiculous. You shouldn't be slain/banned if the person you are rdming is a mass rdmer. Yes it's against the rules to rdm, but when theres clearly obvious evidence it's a mass rdmer you should be forgiven. END OF RANT
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  2. StrayHunter

    StrayHunter Emerald

    i usually dont get slain for killing an rdmer, instead the person who rdm'd gets slain twice
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  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    If a player is RDMing, and you kill them, you will not be slain or banned for the kill. If a player rdmed a previous map or round, and then you kill them before they do anything the next round, you are committing RDM yourself and should be punished for it. You as a player do not get to decide who is RDMing and who should be punished, as that job falls upon the staff members. The response to this suggestion is that either you won't get punished for this, or you will get punished for breaking the rules because you are not following them yourself and are therefore rdming too. Due to this I do not support this suggestion.
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  4. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    So when a obvious mass rdmer comes on, Mass rdms with no staff on, continues it for rounds, I should not decide he's mass rdming?
  5. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I stopped reading right there because of the hypocrisy
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  6. to be honest i can agree with a alot of these things they mass rdm dont get karma banned i go kill them and then i get a slay and sometimes i just get slain for killing rdmers by 'accident' and then they always say im sorry i thought i was slaying the rdmer.
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  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    It all depends on the situation. If you see the said RDMer kill someone and then kill, then you shouldn't be slain at all. Now if the RDMer did nothing during the period when you kill him, then that's when you will get slain. Regardless of the circumstances that occur, you shouldn't be breaking the rules just because someone else is.

    Street justice itself (basically revenge RDM) is just as bad as if someone is RDMing. Cause now you're breaking the rules that you were trying to prevent from being broken in the first place. Nothing good comes out of enforcing street justice.

    If you do encounter the mass RDMing situation without a staff member on, then the best thing to do is to make a forum report on the player and let the staff handle the report on said offender.
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  8. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    There is actually a situation which I think there should be leniency.
    At one point, I was detective, and the other detective killed 11 people. I killed this detective, and was subsequently slain for it. Does this sound like a good use of the rules to anyone?

    So. If a Detective is mass RDMing, can we not be slain for killing them, at least?

    Edit: And by mass-Rdming, I mean killing every single person he sees.
  9. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    You have no concrete proof that the reasons he had for killing people were not valid. The detective in question may have DNA or other reasons to do what he does that make it seem like RDM to you. Considering this, if we made exceptions it would cause more work, undermine the point of the rules, and potentially be letting people get away with RDM. The simple solution here is that you should wait for the detective to damage you before killing him.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  10. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I mean, other than the fact he shot the first person three seconds in, then I watched as he killed every single person that wasn't also a detective that walked into his view. Other than that, no concrete evidence. Oh, and he was taunting people by saying "RDMing everyone and nobody can even hit me" or something along those lines.

    We didn't even go into overtime that round
  11. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Revenge RDM is still RDM. If you want to lend a hand at keeping the servers staffed, apply for moderator here. Other than that, there isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said. It is not a good idea to allow players to kill players they feel have rdmed. If we allow this, than I can assume that you rdmed me at any time and kill you. That's a pretty big loophole wouldn't you agree?
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  12. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    Oh you probably just play TTT to seriously then if you haven't had a fu
    I'm saying this mostly about those rdmers that literally just come on to rdm, we all know of that type of player. And if no staff is on, he will continue to mass rdm until banned. It's happened too many times to count, and the fact that they get banned should null the slay all together of the person killing them. Why let a guy continue to mass rdm until a staff is on and ruin other peoples rounds rather then Just killing him so he doesn't mass rdm. Theres a difference between accidental RDM and blatant RDM. Blantant rdmers should not have free reign to just rdm until staff is on. Overall my main point is, if a blantant mass rdmer keeps on mass rdming, odds are he aint gonna stop, so the person rdming him shouldnt be punished.
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  13. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    The one who kills the murderer gets punished too.
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  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    What i'm saying is that the lines can become blurred between blatent mass rdm and justified killing of more than a couple players. The problem is that you can't know for certain if this player is mass rdming or is just really good at spotting traitorous acts and is unforgiving. Without a moderator or admin online to 100% confirm that the player is rdming, there is no way for you to know.

    There are more sides than just one, and the situations always need to be handled delicately by a staff member before anything can be done. When you rdm an rdmer, you are fighting fire with fire.
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  15. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    just wait for the ALLEGED mass RDMer to shoot someone, then kill em
  16. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Hypocrisy meaning that you say mass RDM is bad, except for cases that YOU deem acceptable. So is it bad or not? You're saying both that it is bad and that it is fine in the cases YOU want. That is called discretion, which mods do not have. Either all mass RDM is bad or none of it is bad, you can't just decide that someone should be punished based on whether or not you thought it was funny. Maybe my friends and I think yelling racial slurs while mass RDMing is funny, does that make it okay because a few people find it funny? What's the difference of someone shooting you in the face, and walking up and jihading in your face? Either way your round is over because someone thought it was fun to kill you.

    You can't say "I should be able to kill mass RDMers because they ruin the gameplay" and "If you don't find some forms of mass rdm fun you take the game too seriously" in the same argument. You can argue one or the other. There's points to each side. But you can't make rules based around if you think something is fun or not without thinking about how others are affected. Not all our rules are based around fun but based around being as fair as possible, especially the ones that revolve around base gameplay. It may be fun to kill someone for not spelling innocent correctly, but it wouldn't be fair.

    As far as the main point of your post, there have been times when mass RDMers are on and no staff, and the mass RDMer comes close to being karma banned, but then the mob decides to kill him every round. So the karma never drops low enough for the karma ban, and they exist on the server to cause general havoc. This is especially bad if they only rdm twice, and the rest of the kills for the rest of the time they are there are justified because they are shot at first, so instead of a mass RDM ban they receive a couple slays or a short 'rdm with no staff' ban
    • Agree Agree x 4
  17. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    Yea I didn't mean to post that first one about the fun one, which is why it just ended out of nowhere.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  18. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    There is no reason for you to kill someone just because yoi think they are RDMing if they haven't done anything yet as that would just be you unfairly trying to enforce the rules and you would be breaking them doing so. There is a report section that is there so things like that can be dealt with in the proper way. It's about not falling down to their level while you are trying to deal with them.
  19. Mellow

    Mellow Taking it easy VIP

    Honestly I can see where you're coming from but you're putting the enforcement of rules into the hands of players that (usually) don't have the in-depth knowledge and utility that staff members have to determine what RDM is and what isn't and this would certainly cause more work for staff.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
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  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    At this point in time we do not see players being able to kill a " Mass RDMer" at the start of the round. This logic brings in assumptions that the player actually RDM'd and didn't have reasons to kill a player. It also causes chains of RDM and leads to more karma loss for other players.

    Please do not do this as it is not conducive to gameplay and you will be punished according to our rules.
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