Taking it too far and the ramifications

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Highwon, Apr 14, 2017.

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  1. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Sir Clutch may not be seen equally involved, but however, he has demonstrated himself to be participating trolling actions along with likes of Ryan4win where he has spam images and gifs. He didn't do it just once or twice like what Isabella, Legitcake, or even Lemon did, but multiple times.

    As for people like Kyogre, Darktooth, Pandora?, Ichikunjii, and rest of people, they never shown any ill nature towards anybody. Whether they are doing things behind the scenes or not will be up to people to find out. Things are complicated, and nothing is really that simple (or black and white in terms of making decisions).

    But if you think that this is the only reason that they all got banned, it's not. It's more of the straw that broke the camel's back. Now, some people are more guiltier than others, but not everybody is innocent in some aspects. Now, you can argue that it applies to the people you mentioned, but we got to considered their actions and what they have done during 1/11 and time leading to now. Some people have done things to worse degree than others. Now, whether I agree with banning people like Anna is up to me and likewise up to you as well, but this is a decision made by Highwon and multiple other people. There has been multiple inputs. Some that prefer leniency, and others more draconian. In the end, it's just not him who made the decision because multiple people are/were involved in this.
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    My opinions of the issue,

    So a rebellion against SGM was created, and they classified themselves as the 1/11'ers. First and foremost, if you're part of a rebellion it doesn't matter what you do whilst in it, the point is, is that your position means that you decided to join and agree to the probable cause it is creating. Which in this case is fighting against SGM/Highwon. Now if you're going to get all whiny because you are being punished for being a part of this so-called rebellion, and you go as far as saying you didn't take any actions against the community. That's like saying you're a member of a terrorist group, (one that goes and kills innocent people and causes destruction), and just because your nothing more than a simple member, that you shouldn't get punished for being a part of said group.

    If you're in the group, then you decided to be a part of what the rest are willing to do, and you're going to stand by it, as long as you stay a member of that group. And if you don't know what's going on within this group, then why are you even a member in the first place? You willingly joined it and made your decision. So fucking deal with the consequences, and don't be a bitch.

    It's really immature, that they go out of their way to "Attack" an online community. Sure it's not as bad as shooting up a public venue and taking innocent lives away from the world, but it's just ridiculous none-the-less.

    I agree and stand-by that every last member of this rebellion gets punished in some way, whether it be equal throughout each member or hand-selected by severity of cause.

    I think that Highwon put up with the shit long enough, and I think anyone else in his position wouldn't allow it to keep going on either.
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  3. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    The thing is, there's no official group. It's not even a group that goes out of it's way to attack Highwon/SGM. It's just a bunch of people who disagree with the way Highwon handles things. Only the minority of the "group" have malicious intent.

    What you said is pretty much saying a bunch of people disagree with Donald Trump as president, one of them blows up a building in an act of terrorism. Everyone else who disagrees with Donald Trump as president is now branded as a terrorist.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 4
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  5. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    And you're taking Highwon's word for it? Until this post I have not heard of anyone who called their group 1/11. Highwon is the one grouping them up into that name.
    • Dumb Dumb x 5
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    He knows more about this issue, than any of us think we do.

    For me to think he's lying, honestly I wouldn't be a part of this community any longer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    It's bad wording, what he said could be interpreted different ways.

    It could be that he's calling the group 1/11 or the group is calling themselves 1/11. Either ways, the "group" members didn't even call themselves that (the ones I've spoken to) or is associated with those who are causing malicious intent to Highwon and the community.

    And you are right, Highwon knows more about the issue because he's the one issuing the punishments. But there are some things kept from us. For example, other people have given reasons as to why a few members got hit with the COI, but they haven't given any valid reason for Anna's or Sinz's COI. When asked, nobody answered or gave a proper answer.

    This also happened after the events of 1/11 where multiple people have asked Highwon about his decisions and the truth behind some of his decisions but he has avoided the question entirely.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    Technically I wasn't a part of this whole crazy shit since I was on a second account playing CS at the time it happened but even so I'm surprised I haven't been banned since I'm one of these "associates" and keep in regular contact with some of the guys who were involved in this whole thing. I mean, I'm not asking for a ban and would prefer not to be but how's it fair to ban some people for being associates and not others?It's just another thing that makes me feel pushed into thinking this is more of a specific few people being targeted and any excuse found to exile them from the community.

    P.s Not a single one of them call themselves 1/11, that's just some dumb meme that a random kid in the community has made, cringe as fuck.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  9. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    It wasn't even GunAndBomb involved. Womp did the email spam by himself, with no input from Gun- and ended up throwing Gun under the bus once Highwon made this thread.

    So yeah, Sinz deserves to be banned for a year. The funny part is he wasn't involved in the "1/11" group. He was barely involved in it on the day it happened.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  10. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Womp got the email from Gun.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    That doesn't mean Womp had Gun's consent to do it. Matter of fact, Gun's super pissed at Womp right now because half the community hates Gun cause they think he did the spam.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  12. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    GunAndBomb got the email, it's his fault he shared it around and he should accept the consequences for it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    Those fun mods and admins wanted the downfall of the community, became toxic, racist, xenophobic and all sorts of offensive. Those fun mods, if the situation wasnt handled properly, couldve caused the servers to even shut down, so good luck having fun! If your definition of fun is being edgy to the point where you are despicable only to bring negativity to other people, to personally attack people and even your good friends because of a childish grudge, and to harass certain members only because of the fact that they have a different religious belief or ethnicity, then you must either be really mentally impaired or 7.
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
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  14. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    The amount of hypocrisy in your post is stunning.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  15. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    Excuse me? Out of all things, hipocrisy? When have I done to any extent any of the things listed in my post?
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  16. Walker

    Walker Hell yeah VIP

    I love how you are trying to be all high and mighty by saying those staff members were racist, harassers, etc. Then you turn around and call out the people who are defending them by calling them "mentally impaired" aka Retarded, and "or 7" aka immature.
    You are no better than what deem the old staff team.

    Btw you obviously dont know the entirety of the situation. A lot of them didnt deserve it, and for some to say its for constant toxic behavior is just an excuse. For instance. Sir Clutch and I have been playing Gta5 for the past 3 weeks on PS4 with a couple of other friends. We havent been on forums or servers to troll.

    Really doesnt matter what I say since nobodies opinion is never changed online.

    • Agree Agree x 7
  17. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    What the fuck?Calling me out at least tag me so I can see it man. I have no idea what your issue is with me but in all honestly I hop on here a few times to speak/see how a few old friends are getting on (Not like I should explain myself to someone like you anyways). But regardless, the only shit I caused relating to any of this was that retarded flame thread I wrote when I was pissed off. Apart from that I've disagreed with opinions and that's about it. How about add yourself back to that list?

    See now this is just pure dumb. I don't give a shit whether Anna has a vag or a dick, not everyone on the internet wants to rub themselves over pixels of a girl thousands of miles away. She's just a good fucking friend, a generally helpful person and is someone that can think logically. She's someone who invested a lot of time with the people in this place and helped out in a multitude of different places. In doing so, gained the friendship of a lot of people along the way. When your friends get shit on irl do you get mad?Yes, of-course you do. So does hers.

    That's just my opinion and basic observation, Butters.
    • Winner Winner x 5
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  18. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    I joined this community a couple of months before the "1/11" event occurred.

    Yes many of you are gonna disagree because some of them were your friends, some of them are even my friends. Will I miss them, yes I will.

    But with how the change of behavior took after the date involved took place, some fell below the toxicity mark and the staff team took notice of it. Some of them were blatantly obvious in the change of mentality and the way they had acted on the servers. Some joined in every once in a while on the forefront but stayed hidden when warned to stop. Some were on the forefront and behind the scenes as well, but were still know when they were warned. Some of them stayed silent and still played on the servers and supported the servers. Some just dropped away from the servers and continued on elsewhere. Some people returned to their old selves and made it back to the way that got them their in the first place and the reason why they joined the servers to have fun.

    When you join a community, you join it not just for the fancy upgrades or the cool colors. You join a community to create an online family that you can come to with open arms and tell them anything. Some excel above the rest to say that hey you can talk to me about anything and I will listen, and you will tell them what you have to say and they will give you help, advice, and even congratulate you when things go right. But in every family or community, there are the ones that go out of their way to tear it down then they are normally shunned and frowned upon. Some good people will be caught in the crossfire, and may end up being taken away with them.

    All I'm saying, no matter how much you fight it, no matter how much you disagree with it. We could disagree with the whole situation, but the final word is Highwon's not ours. Now its your choice to accept the fact that this situation happened and talk to other people about it in private chat, or you decide to continue fighting on this thread trying to prove a point to someone that you could easily just talk to over messages between you both, not for the whole world to see!

    Take my opinion the way you take it. But just remember that your actions reflect your level of professionalism in the time of conflict!
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    He knows more about the issue because anyone that does know about the issue either A. Is banned or B. Will be banned if they give information about it in a public way. Highwon can dictate the story however he likes, and if you contradict in a meaningful way, it means you are leaking staff information. Whether or not Highwon is in the right or wrong of the overall issue, he controls all the information about the issue
  20. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I have never had anything but the communities best interest in mind, and even when I cause trouble, it's because I am at least trying to do the right thing. I have some of the 1/11 people on my friends list. I know and consider some of them to be my friend. A lot of your moderators and admins also have the same. @Opalium, your lead admin, was taught by one of the people you banned. Aside from the 1/11 incident, are you now going to make it typical to ban people for simply knowing a toxic troll? Should I delete my entire friends list because one of them might do something I had nothing to do with? Or if I did, it was unintentional? Should I disavow people that, even though I like them well enough, did something bad, or knew bad people?
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