Completed Report against KIttyness

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Darragh, May 31, 2018.

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  1. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    They are staff
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Seriouscraft to Jondome
    Which Round:
    Doesnt matter
    Time of Occurence:
    Doesnt matter, but 11:00-11:30 ish PM
    Reason For Report:
    Not doing anything about players online being harassed by other players. I even said it in admin chat myself that "I was feeling harassed" Because ya know, group based slurs, but nothing was done. In all fairness, lion kicked them but they joined back and went straight back at harassing players. (One in particular, who im not gonna name). Now Kittyness, I really dont blame you for this. The servers are so understaffed and are getting more and more understaffed every day. And with mod slots completely closed, hows this gonna be fixed? Whoever thought it was a good idea to close the mod slots, needs to think it through a liitttlleee better. Mabye if, I dont know, there wasnt one staff member looking over 35 people, most of them new people reporting every round, there wouldnt be a problem. Got a little off topic there, but you can get my point. It went on for far longer than it should have, and in the end, they werent even banned. (Mabye they were after I left idk)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I have a video of the harassment but its so much effort to upload so ill just upload proof that I actually told Kittyness about this. And proof of not being afk/not reading messages.

    Idk how good the quality is but if its shitty I can probably go to the effort of cropping and reuploading​
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  2. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

  3. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    Hello I wanna start by apologizing about yesterday as it was just a little bit hectic. Now I did indeed see the messages but as LionBattery was the one on and was the one that initially kicked him I was had hoped that he would see that it was continuing and take care of it. Now I did not witness him harassing you enough to have warranted a ban on my end but that just what I was witness to. I did not want to ban him for harassment and then have it shown that I have no proof to back it up but your word against his. Now shortly after LionBattery left Orion jumped on and you could have talked to him as well but I did not witness enough to warrant a harassment ban I was trying to get the evidence but could not. I realize that my communications fell a little bit short and for that I hope you can forgive me but there wasn't much I could do about the situation at hand.
  4. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

    Well, I spoke to @Orion literally a few hours ago about it who said they weren't on at the time. I mean, I offered to tag them here and all :( . @TheDoctor094 also spoke to Orion when he came on, to which Orion replied "What do you expect me to do? I just got here? I can't do anything about it!" Or somthsome like that. He has said this to me before as well regarding me asking him to gag a micspammer, but that's not in discussion. And yea things were really, really hectic yesterday. Again, I in no way expect someone to staff a server with 35 players and about 20 new people unfamiliar with the rules online. Cereal killer recently just made a thread about understaffing, but again thats not a topic for here. To summarise, even if they said anything that could be considered harassment, which they did and I messaged about, they just got back from the kick? Doesn't that warrant a ban? Anyway, mabye there was a shortcoming in communication but it was overpopulated. Thanks for your response.
  5. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    My only problem is that I did not witness the harassment happening. All I got was you telling me and without me being able to witness the harassment I cant ban for something that I cant prove is actually happening... If that makes any sense....
  6. TheDoctor094

    TheDoctor094 Daddy Doctor Banned VIP+

    Now the problem is, it never stopped happening (it only stopped when they left, about 20 minutes after Lion left, maybe longer) and there is no chance you did not hear any of the homophobic and racist slurs being used. Yes Lion did deal with them but then he left and it continued, I repeatedly asked if you could deal with them over voice chat (when it was quiet so you definitely should have heard me) but nothing was done. Orion came on and I spoke to him about it but again nothing was done. So in the end they got away with what they did other than the punishments given to them by Lion, in the end those that were being harassed were left to defend themselves. You say you didn't witness it, but you were told multiple times about it so you should have taken your time to deal with it, that's my opinion anyway. I feel that those that were harassed by the group were failed by the staff on at the time whose job it is to deal with such things.
  7. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    I did not in fact hear any racial slurs or homophobic comments being made. I am sorry that you guys feel that you were failed but I did not hear any of these comments being made I was listening out for it when it was mentioned but I personally did not hear any of this.
  8. TheDoctor094

    TheDoctor094 Daddy Doctor Banned VIP+

    I don't understand how everyone else on the server heard it all, but you didn't, I realise that staffing a server alone can be difficult at times but it wasn't noisy when they were using such demeaning words against me and others
  9. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

    I mean tomorrow if it's really necessary I could check over my recordings and upload some in a little compilation? Idk if it's necessary but I can. And did they continue while Orion was on? I can't remember, I'll have to check.
  10. TheDoctor094

    TheDoctor094 Daddy Doctor Banned VIP+

    If I recall correctly, they did continue whilst Orion was on, which is why I complained to him about it
  11. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    Either way there is not much more that I can say on the subject so I will just retag @Grimoire+ to conclude.
  12. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Look since you're throwing my name in this I'm gonna have a word.

    When I joined, Doctor immediately told me to deal with the harassment when I didn't even know who even was in the server to begin with. The only time someone publicly harassed using slurs while I was on, I warned the guy via PMs.
  13. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

    @Orion ye I mentioned that you had just joined. Also, out if curiosity, do you remember what the player's name was or about when you warned him? How long until he left? I can still upload the people saying things if ye want me to like. Mabye there was something you missed Orion, because there was alot of messages unresponded to ;)
  14. Lion

    Lion Ryan's Favorite Admin VIP

    Their names are Hussain "EDL Slayer" Mohammed, and Andrew "Combo" Gascoigne. I am processing a ban on them right now and I should already have all the evidence I need. My apologies for not getting to this earlier, I had commitments to attend to.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  15. Grimoire+

    Grimoire+ Sigillum diaboli VIP

    @Darragh & @TheDoctor094 Do either of you have any evidence for the harassment other than screenshots for this? Darragh mentioned a recording.
  16. TheDoctor094

    TheDoctor094 Daddy Doctor Banned VIP+

    I don't have anything personally because I had hoped it would be dealt with on the server but Darragh does
  17. Darragh

    Darragh VIP

    @Grimoire+ I believe I do have a recording, I cannot post it today, and it may be late before I post it tomorrow due to exams and I'll be doing real life things. I'll be back home around 10pm ish, I'll start working on a compilation and should have it uploaded around this time tomorrow if my internet decides to cop on.
  18. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Heya. I looked at some evidence that will be provided in a bit, but after looking at it I want to amend the report to add @Temar (as well as his admin @Noob999 ) and @LionBattery (as well as his admin @Panda With a Gun ) to conclude as well as they were all present at the time and had equal responsibility to the harassment claims.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  19. Grimoire+

    Grimoire+ Sigillum diaboli VIP

    So after reviewing evidence and thinking through the situation i will be marking the report on Katness as valid due to the lack of attention to the situation on her part, Clear harassment was taking place and it wasn't caught.
  20. neutral

    neutral VIP

    I'll be having a discussion with the other mod's admins who were online during the time as well, as well as addressing the rest of the staff team about attentiveness when multi-staffing and carrying their weight. The harassment going on in the server was abundantly clear and wasn't handled appropriately- and no one stepped in, and that is not okay.
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