Completed Report against Gazzy

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by neutral, Apr 19, 2019.

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  1. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Few minutes ago.
    Reason For Report:
    This report is actually probably going to invalid, depending on Noob- however there's a point to be made here. When considering appeals, this post absolutely does not show the professionalism, or consideration, that moderators were expected to give members in the past in these type of appeals:

    Hellflush met the requirements for the ban. Absolutely no doubt about that, he planted the tripmine for no purpose, and it resulted in 4 random kills.

    However, Gazzy's reasons for keeping the ban does not make sense at all.

    Hellflush has caused minimal, to no issues in the community since he has been here. Yes. He has been a valued member for 5 years as well. Not only this, but he was incredibly apologetic in his appeal. I've already asked a few current, and ex-staff, and they all agreed that in a case such as this, with a player of this type of history that it makes no sense to go this harsh on the player. Gazzy is literally punishing Hellflush for being an active, courteous member of the community. Secondly, this reply was overly aggressive (Denied!!) when the player was overtly apologetic and the act was just a simple minor lapse of judgement.

    Secondly, I'd like to report Gazzy for sloppiness and unprofessionalism. I was curious, and went back through old appeals. 99% of the posts contain post that look like they are half-assed, with broken grammar, and spelling all over the posts. One of the basic requirements for being moderator on SGM is speaking english, and communicating with the community. Gazzy has failed at this at a pretty major level. Majority of his ban appeals are by all means accepted.... not because of any type of leniency however, but because of mistakes. A simple search for Gazzy's name in the appeal section will show this, however, if it is not obvious, I can provide further examples and be more specific.

    For another example; before making this report I asked Gazzy on his profile about this incident:


    Rather than discuss the appeal, he immediately went of the defensive and requested that this be put in to a report. Why is that the default mode of communication for this? Is he not able to properly explain his thought process and communicate the reason for upholding the ban?​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
  2. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

  3. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP


    iii actually brought up a great point. Yes. I can see this. However- this bring up another issue with how Gazzy handled the situation. Gazzy reported H3llflush two additional times than what was needed to resolve the situation. Yeah. I'd be annoyed at that point as well. It was clear at that point that Gazzy was going for the ban, so I do not blame Hellflush at all for his responses on the report.
  4. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

    Hello Helix, I’ve seen this and here’s what I have to say in response. I followed the protocol for handling Mass RDM when I found that H3llaflush had done so. Given their recent history with Mass RDM and their extensive history of RDM, it can’t be said that it was unfair to search for further RDMs. No players get special treatment, but when it comes to forgiveness and discretion, their history and behaviour can have an impact. As for the appeal, I provided my evidence, gave an explanation as to why I would not accept and denied it. While I am willing to accept appeals, I don’t see why I should, seeing as they show no remorse. @Noob999 will finish this off when they can.
  5. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    Hi Gazzy,

    Thanks for the additional responses.

    I had a couple follow up questions:

    1) Why wasn't the history mentioned previously? You did not mention this in the appeal at all. You have also replied to this report, and deleted your previous posts twice- each of those replies did not contain this reasoning. Additionally, this reasoning was not put in to the appeal. Why is the story changing now when previously you mentioned this was due to the players time spent on the server and rule knowledge?

    EDIT: For clarity, here is the original replies:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    2) Who wrote your latest reply? In your last, now deleted reply, you actually mentioned that you have your own way of writing things, and that is true. Your style of writing if very clear and obvious. You clearly did not write your last post, and I do not appreciate you playing me like and idiot it trying to pass it off as so. If you want to show that the staff team is professional and is capable of handling their own reports-- you may want to let your staff team actually reply to their own reports rather than writing their report responses for them.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
  6. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

    I did. I am using grammar checker because my grammar sucks.

    Edited. the first 2 posts I posted then deleted was me so I was not lying about that since you said who did it and the 3rd post was help from an admin.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  7. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    That is not true, and you know it isn't true, and anyone reading this report knows that is not true. The fact that you're trying to pass this off as being true is not only embarrassing, but an insult.

    Also, you have just failed to answer my previous question, and if you are truly using a grammar checker, you failed to use it on your previous reply.
  8. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

    I want to be honest, so I'll just be very blunt here: they did help me but what's wrong with staff helping staff out!!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  9. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    I would also like to add to the unprofessionalism. I had asked Gazzy to unlock this thread so I could further reply, and received the following response in the spoiler below:


    I'm not sure what I did to deserve this attitude/sarcasm. Especially when I just confirmed with an admin that Gazzy was the one that did indeed unlock the thread after I had sent my message. I do see Lordy's reasoning for locking the threads, however, I should be expected to be treated this way when requesting the thread to be unlocked so I may add additional input.
  10. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    I would also like to add that Gazzy straight up lied about writing the report about replying to his own report, and is only being truthful once being called out on it. If Gazzy can not reply to his own reports, then he should not be a staff member to totally frank. The whole way that Gazzy has approached this report is not only embarrassing for the staff team, but incredibly unprofessional.
  11. neutral

    neutral Banned VIP

    I did not see this edit until it was just now pointed out to me. Which admin wrote your post in response to this report? The fact that it was an admin that felt it was appropriate to write your report response is even more appalling than what I previous thought happened here.
  12. Noob999

    Noob999 The best Noob around. VIP

    Hello Helix in this post I hopefully will cover all the main points of your report.
    If you have any more questions you would like to ask about this report feel free to add them to the conversation you started with me on the forum.

    The point as gazzy was trying to make was a player of his level of experience should not be placing a trip mine as a innocent. You are unable to see Hellflush history all I'm going to say about it as he's got a recent mass RDM times four ban and past history of harassment, loophole trolling and mass RDM with props.
    Gazzy followed the standard rules on ban length this case and leniency is only offered when there is good grounds to give it.

    I believe the reason multiple reports were filed was due to gazzy misunderstanding our policy on reporting each case of RDM. A incident that involves multiple players or damage to multiple players it is caused by single action, in this case a trip mine only needs one report. In the case of frag grenade there could be a different justification for each count of RDM.

    After talking to gazzy I found out his reason for writing "last time I looked it was open!" was that he did not realise moderators could post on locked threads.
    However the use of an exclamation mark turned his statement into a accusation.

    Gazzy clearly did not write the 3rd version of this reply and when asked about which version he wrote with the help of the grammar checker he then lied to me. This is on top of the original incorrect claim that he used a grammar checker.

    I can deal with bad spelling, poor grammar and making mistakes but what I can not deal with is being lied to.
    Gazzy has dug his own grave in this report and it's not possible for me to defend all his actions.
    I will suspend Gazzy moderating power for one week.
    I will decide whether or not Gazzy still has a place in our staff team after the suspension has ended.
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