Rejected Ghost DeathMatch

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by silentpamonha, Mar 22, 2014.


You Want Ghost DM?

  1. Yes.

    11 vote(s)
  2. No.

    10 vote(s)
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  1. silentpamonha

    silentpamonha Active Member

    people wont suicide because they are here to play TTT not DM its just something to entretain while the round is going, i already saw me on internet after dying and alt-tab lag a little so i lost some round time'
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I guarantee the first few days this were implemented, there would be suicide pacts.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. silentpamonha

    silentpamonha Active Member

    we can test like for a week or two?
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I mean, we could, but it's not really high up on Highwon's list of things to do. Hence why Suggestions Are On Hold Until Further Notice.
  5. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Oh I forgot to remove that. But this add on is too game changing and the community seems split on it. 50/50 vote. I'd have to say we won't be pursuing this. Sorry.
  6. silentpamonha

    silentpamonha Active Member

    ok but thanks for the answer
  7. well that sucks I actually hear way more we need this, on the server yet no one ever comes on the darn forums. I cannot believe you guys still think this will damage gameplay. I already said it can be made to

    1) NOT show up in damage logs (regardless of version used)
    2) NOT be used by persons SLAYED, SUICIDED or any fall damaged person if needed (prop damage could be added as well)
    3) has no effect on server lag etc other than as if they were still alive to begin with at the start of the round.
    4) CANNOT interfere with ongoing round (goes thru doors instead of opening them, picks up DUPLICATES of the guns and ammo. and are not seen or heard by or from the alive players (you can enable hearing the players alive but cannot communicate them.

    I really really wish this would have been given a trial. since saying mods wouldnt get things done is really againts the mods, its their responsibility to make sure those are taken care of and then playing it just as if MOds now, need to sit aside for a round or two to catch up on current reports.

    I really dont know the issue to be honest. It is a bit dissapointing to shut it down with out a test ESPECIALLY is "50?50" as stated.

    In all honesty on the server I dont think I have EVER heard anyone say NOT to add it, its only a few on ther forums. and mostly mods for some reason.

    also I try to get the ones who say they would like to see it added to post on the forums but most are to lazy to do so and dont take the initiative.

    Disappointing to say the least. when I see request with people +1 skins that are horrendous, (hey I know I dont have to use them so I dont really care) but dont wanna actually improve or try to improve game play etc.

    All I can say is with the odd reason for LONG map changes sometimes most of the time. having to sit out a 8-10 min round after the map took just a smidge too long for the round to start then having it change yet again only a few rounds later or having the really quick (and not even close to TTT, "fun" rounds that just delete a round on a map)

    I mean I posted alot of PRO's and "fixes" for the peoples issue or concerns yet have not heard a single argument that negates the concerns such as suiciding etc since they wouldnt be able to play it while spectating.) if a Mod wont do his job and decided to play this after death too much and never got reports finished I see that as something he SHOULD be able to do on his on, and have to be dealt with by removing admin/mods if they dont want to do what they are supposed to be. I know they are volunteer players as well BUT as they told us in the navy when people complained about doing there job or staying late (you signed up for it) after they caught up I see no reason why mods couldnt use it.

    also 16 votes is HARDLY 50/50 lol although 8 v 8 is, that s a SMALL sample especially since I think more than 16 people posted to this, and also lots of Pluses and negatives on the server just havent seen it, are not on the forums or what ever. I am sure mods here have seen people asking if the server had spectator Deathmatch and or mentioning they wished it did.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
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