Denied Zuijj's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Marshal Zuijj, Sep 6, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Marshal Zuijj
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    hey i was banned for spamming. while the ban is correct, i'd like to request a shortened length as i never received a warning gag, but instead got hit with a round gag as my first gag.

    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

  3. posting this late, but here's my evidence. as you can see, i was clearly put on a round gag instead of a regular gag.
  4. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    seen this give me a moment to collect my evidence
  5. aite, nevermind see you guys in 8 hours
  6. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    here is your first warning for mic spam I asked you to stop eating into your mic

    Here is your second warning for mic spam.

    then you got your ban for mic spamming

    give me a moment to get my videos as they have to upload
  7. please god include the entire first gag sequence, i need to see what it looks like from your perspective
  8. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    ok first video of me gagging you yes I was a little slow I do apologize for that I ended up gaging marg instead I had to apologize to marg Simson for his gag but right after that I gave you your first warning and un-gaged you however for your second warning I paused midway thru to request a trolling ban and came back to finish your second warning right after.

    first gag video
    second gag video
    then ban video

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked

    if you have any further questions please contact me on discord Scooter#5335
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