Vanilla Story Time

Discussion in 'Vanilla Discussion' started by Serious Lawyerbot, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    There was once a time where I was an innocent and surrounded by 3 Ts. We were all last alive. I was very low on HP, and some shit happened with one of the Ts who I think was a mod that allowed me to kill him and it could've been Lady or Turq, anyways it was then it was followed by @kwasaznik trying to finish me off but I was on his tail. He shot at me about 1 second later and I actually killed him. So, 2 seconds past with 2/3 Ts dead in one area. The last T started running towards me firing w/o aim and I finished him off. Pretty sure I had 25 HP left or something, so basically 1 hit would've done me in. The 3 couldn't do it. I regret not recording that round.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. once upon a time there was a little kid who literally threw a tantrum about being slain, started crying, and screaming into his mic.

    i think i died of laughter that day
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    I picked up a pig, pig touched fence, pig flew over fence smashing my face in and killing me at over 500mph. RIP.
  4. Another story I have is when I was just starting to play STTT.

    It was down to 4 people left...
    I was proven, and there was only 1 t left.
    I had a shotgun, the t had an AK47, and the 2 others had rifles. I go to the beach, and hear AK47 shots. I heard 2 screams, so it was a 1v1, I ran and checked the bodies to make sure I was the last inno left, then he started sniping me with his AK.
    I had 2 health left so I jumped in the water, I remembered I had a Deagle, so I pull that out, jump out of the water and shoot at the same time at the direction I was getting shot from. Across the screen it says "Innocent Win" and the guy ragequit.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. So Fiefoe was getting ready to prop surf and everytime he gets the minecart or the ammo box i just put in into the water then he tries to prop kill me with a minecart while raging on mic :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    As a Detective on MC City, I found the T room to be opened, so I kill the person at the entrance, and the following ensues.

    *Looks around*

    *Sees 5 more players*


    "Well then..."

    *Pulls Pistol*

    "Let's do this."

    It ended with three deaths and multiple injuries. One of those deaths was my own.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Azaelus

    Azaelus I want to break free VIP Silver Emerald

    I was there... the first victim of the mass homicide was me. left Hirari with -600 karma and -33 points.
  8. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Holo has knives, I have c4.
  9. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I was there, funny thing is that I let him because he was the Detective. Also, 4 deaths, Holo killed 2, got killed, I killed the guy who killed him.
  10. Espurr

    Espurr #AlwaysStabEspurr Administrator VIP

    I have false KOSes to give
  11. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    I was spectating Cursed Kira and KillerHoggle a few days ago on Jondome, and they had actually just been at eachothers throats via rdm and reports. They were standing right on top of eachother and Kira was trying to get Hoggle to help him with something and Hoggle was complaining that he couldn't move because Kira was so "big and strong" then Hoggle got harpooned right in front of Kira and that was it. I laughed so hard I cried. Then both of them became best of friends for the remainder of the time I was in EU Vanilla.
  12. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    Once upon a time, I was moderating on Vanilla one peaceful day. A player came on and said "Hey Lone Wanderer, I'm gonna speedhack". I was taken aback by the statement; surely he would not be so obvious as to intentions to hack on the server! I quickly uttered the words of the great spell to turn me into a specter, and began to haunt this new addition to the server.

    And he speedhacked so I banned him. The end.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. SWEX


    Once upon a time EU was staffless, a mod final joins and can handle all the reports. It was headshot round and i tried to 360 everyone... i got in a fight with The mod... The mod got rekt and rage quit and EU was staffless again. The End

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Here's a quick horror story
    A mod joined Vanilla whilst it was on jondome
    But then suddenly he realized
    A whole 9 rounds of TTT had just been played
    Wait jondome was removed?
    No wonder I stopped playing Vanilla
  15. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    You got mc_dolls now, just report The Ground for rdm
    • Like Like x 1
  16. If I cant pick it up and kill half the server by hiding it under a corpse
    Then I dont want it
  17. Oxydeous

    Oxydeous VIP

    Managed to clutch me vs 2 Ts, with only 37 health and a glock on the city map.
  18. Sir Clutch

    Sir Clutch they gonna talk bout me Banned VIP

    We were on motel and I was a detective. A certain T (Toast On Fire) kept openening the T-room in the basement. So I ended up running in there and of course some non-detectives followed me so I was obligated to mow them down. By the end of that round I had killed 11 people total: 2 Traitors and 9 Innocents. I ended up getting karma banned but none of them were RDM's :)

    Lesson of the Round: It's always worth mowing down everyone that runs into the T-room.
  19. NinjaDragon48

    NinjaDragon48 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul VIP Emerald

    Once upon a Time, I was a lone detective against the world, I had been following DNA to a player who had killed a innocent man, but it led me to something I didn't expect, a decoy, as soon as I destroyed it I was off again following my leads to the T who had committed an act so despicable only a T could do something as such. I finally caught up with him, and put a few rounds in his head, thinking my job was done for the day I walked back to the nether, to see what I could find, as a T killed someone in front of me, I put an end to the murder spree. I got my radar, and noticed only three remain, one by one they tried to kill me, the first walked past a unid as he opened fire at me, that didn't go so well for him, the second try to burn me to a crisp, he was extinguished, I ran to get my medkit from a microwave and when I was good and ready, back to the nether I went, where I found the third T just standing there looking at me, on top of a dead man who was still unided... The Innocents Won...

    This was my round today, when I kiled 5 Ts as a Detective :)
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    I was on Vanilla. The round had begun and it happened to be the Hidden gamemode. It was on minecraft-b5 .Numerous people began to propsurf. I began to find hiding spots. The Hidden players began to slowly pick off the other players one by one. The wee little propsurfers began to fall out of the sky and into the water where certain killers were waiting for them. I devised a master plan. I jumped onto a tree and watched the masses being killed before my eyes. Some guy went into the little house in front of the portal. The Hidden saw him with his magical eyes and began to follow him. That Hidden went into the little house and killed the poor lad. And then, there was one. I aimed my AK-47 and began shooting in the direction of the screaming. Due to me being on top of a tree, the poor villian couldn't figure out where I was and began looking (not moving). I kept on shooting and moved that vicious thing down. I had won the round for us. I could hear the laughing and the cheers of my fallen comrades as I took my life and claimed victory.
    @Mr Butters is a witness