Answered UnID'd bodies

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Python~, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Stemming from this report.

    It has never been a T act to avoid IDing UnID'd bodies if they are at a distance. I don't know if this changed, or if it ever has. If you see an UnID on the ground on dolls, but don't go down go down to ID it, it's not a T act, right? It is also not a T act if identifying the body puts you in danger. So this question is about distance.

    As far as I'm aware, the rule was that if you are close enough to an UnID to ID it, but you either ignore or avoid it, then it's a T act. I have never heard of this "you didn't make an effort to ID", especially if you're several yards away in a separate area. Used to be able to stare at an UnID in peace without having to go out of your way to ID it.

    I realize that the extended rules state that
    is a traitorous act, so exactly how far away do you have to be for it to not be considered avoiding? A few feet? In another room? Across the map?
    This is the same question asked here, but wasn't answered
  2. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    It use to be that you could be kosed for passing an unided body, but now we do things a bit differently. Now the traitorous act is "Not identifying bodies". This is essentially what the new rules look like (btw i say new but we have been operating under these guidelines since about late 2016 iirc):
    1. Not actively trying to Id a body - If you are ignoring a body than you can be killed.
    2. Player must be able to see the body - The first part can only be acted on if you are sure that the player CAN see the bodies.
    3. Player must be able to ID the body without taking damage - If the body is located within fire, or inside the water trap, you can't force someone to id it if there is a chance they may take damage. (obviously doesn't mean bullets or anything like that)

    With the way the rules are presented, there is no distance that you can't be killed for. However, the player needs to determine that the guy they intend to kill is actively avoiding the body. This means that they have to give them considerable time to react to the situation and id the body. This is where the idea of "passing an unided" comes in because there is ample time for a player to id the body, as they walk right over it (or at least near it). If a body were half way across the map, you would need to give ample time for the player to get to the body. In practice, however, we would likely require a lot of justification if the body was really far away. Take the following scenario:

    If Player 1 killed Player 2 for not actively trying to ID Player 3, that would technically be okay in our rules if Player 1 gave Player 2 enough time to prove that he was actively not iding it, but in practice we would punish Player 1 for loopholing the rules.

    However, if this situation were to happen:
    If Player 1 killed Player 2 for not going to ID Player 3, that would be totally fine in the rules so long as Player 1 can confirm that Player 2 was not actively trying to ID the body. Player 2 doesn't need to see the body in this case, they don't even need to pass it, and they can still be killed because all the conditions are met: He isn't actively iding it, he can see it, and it wouldn't cause any damage to get to where the body is.

    So to answer your question, there is no set distance at which you cannot be killed for Identifying a body, because the traitorous act itself is not iding the body. You just need to use your head and not be a dick about it.