Traitorous Acts

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Ted, May 17, 2017.

  1. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    • Having a Traitor weapon. (Note: AK47, AWP, and AAC Honey Badger are not Traitorous.

    I would like to bring this rule up for discussion as i find it a bit radical.

    Why; I was Innocent today and found myself killing 4 T's in a T-room in the map ttt_mc_67thway_b2 and managed to get myself a teleport device which I used to return to the T room and dispose all T-Items that were in there. So when i threw a harpoon outside of the map after telling in chat "Please don't kill me" "I'm proven Innocent" Some innocent shot me straight up for throwing that harpoon literally up in the sky against a wall with no access for anyone.

    So generously if I think about this in my own perspective idiotic perspective;
    Leave all T-items on the floor to be picked up by a traitor/innocent/detective witch is a T-act as well no? (apart from detective's)
    So you just take them and hope to not swap accidentally to one of the T weapons you carry?

    So my moral is: Why if you try to dispose a T weapon outside of the reach of people why is it a T-act or second option why is it not in the "Not Traitorous acts" list? (outside of planting C4).

    So what i mean to dispose: Throw things in the ocean, then shoot it to the end of the ocean or to throw a harpoon 20 feet in the air against the invisible wall/unreachable are.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
    • Old Old x 1
  2. beyblade informant

    beyblade informant Banned VIP

    • Like Like x 2
  3. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    I mean, throwing away T items is still traitorous, you're technically getting rid of evidence. Plus innos don't have to believe that you're proven if they didn't see it. I mean, you could easily just kill the guy who killed the T and claim you killed the traitor and say you're proven. Plus you were in T room, so that's kinda traitorous.

    I wouldn't kill for this, but I mean, you had T items + you were in T room, that's KOSable though. I mean, if you're around not-so-smart innos, don't just do stuff like that.
  4. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    I think this shouldn't be added, hiding traitor weapons is an actual strategy for traitors so you can throw away an MP7 and not have an innocent run around with it. If you really want to get rid of a traitor weapon, throw it in a corner when you're not near anyone.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. oNathan

    oNathan VIP

    You could be proven and throwing away a T weapon you picked up.
  6. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    But here's the thing: People don't have to believe that you are proven. If you claim that you are proven, I sure won't likely believe in you until I actually see you do something that makes you proven. This applies to other people. They do or do not have to believe in your claims that you are proven. Regardless, having a traitor weapon is traitorous even if you're throwing it away because they are either a) obtained by buying from t shop or b) getting it from the traitors.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. oNathan

    oNathan VIP

    I see and I know but still.
  8. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    But on like 50% of all times you ID a T with a T-item near him you pick it up straight away while ID'ing. So there is no control on how you got it, there-for i believe there should be something that protects those players. As the rule marks you only need to have it to make a legit RDM/kill (let's not forget you can only throw a harpoon, not drop it).

    With this said i believe the logic of a innocent walking with a D item marks him as Traitorous, he could've killed the D and taken it, here is the true fact of having no proof. which goes on to an innocent having a gun as there is no use for an innocent to hold a gun as he could kill people with it, there-for all is kos... >.< Let's make TTT like murder then 0.O (I might've gone to far with thinking, but yes, same logic after all, no? :p)

    But serious now, I believe there should be something that protects T items of being a direct kos, at least let people ask how they got it before you blow up their faces like a cold as$ m..... (you know what i mean >.<)

    @Timo654 only 1 out of 20-30 people know that T-items hold DNA and 1 out of 40 uses that advantage with a DNA scanner. So I see no logic in Evidence as it is just a regular T-item which most of the time doesn't even hold DNA. I believe people only take dna from C4 and leave all other T-items behind, but all have dna.
  9. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Think of it this way, as this is how it was explained to me.

    Proven, is literally just a word. Even if you are tested to be innocent, doing a T act is grounds to be killed. Having a T weapon is a T act, therefore you can be killed for it, regardless of being "proven".
  10. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    yes, i get that proven is just a "word you call out" but that doesn't fix that people automatically pick them up, and might accidentally swap to it, or drop t-weapons outside of the reach as nobody ever dna scans a harpoon of knife for dna, which goes on for a T-act which is like what the fck.

    I get the logic is looks traitorous, but what i do not understand is why people get the permission to just blow your head up when they have a suspicion on you, when "having a suspicion because people have it" is not traitorous and not allowed reason to RDM.

    Cause i state from the extended rules:
    • Common Sense: In TTT, common sense and logic is huge. You may kill on these grounds, if it implies 100% certainty. This also works for unseen traitorous acts, regardless of the stigma that shrouds this area of the game. You may kill for something you have not seen, only if you have 100% certainty. For example, in 1-way entrance rooms if you hear someone get killed (confirmed only with screams of death or weapons falling on the floor after shots being heard) and you can pinpoint with 100% accuracy which room it happened in, you don't necessarily have to enter the room to find a body.
    • You cannot KOS purely on suspicion.

    Why if you do not know for 100% that he is a T/I cause he spams I'm proven, why are you allowed to rdm with not 100% logic or common sense?
    Secondly there is just a suspicion as you hold a T-item. There is no way to 100% be sure, as you have a 50-50% change a player could've picked it up/bought it.
  11. Daddy Nexxus

    Daddy Nexxus Toxi-Fessional VIP

    It's not gonna change, homie. If someone is just being toxic and constantly killing people they know to be proven, they will be dealt with.
  12. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    I think disposing of a harpoon by lodging it in the skybox should be pretty much the same as planting a C4 then destroying it. The problem is, in those moments between when you pull it out and when you've gotten rid of it, you technically "have a traitor item." Nonetheless, I still think it should be RDM to kill the guy AFTER he's clearly disposed of the thing. Not just dropped, though: disposed, made unavailable, destroyed, removed from play.
  13. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Well, you can destroy the c4, but all other things can't be destroyed, so this makes that you either have to keep it and hope not to swap accidentally to it, or to leave it on a place where nobody can reach it or knows of it.

    Or yeah, leave it there, but then again, I myself think it is more traitorous to leave it there, for any T to get a hold of it then the take it as a "proven innocent".

    Then my final add to it, this happened today, just some minutes again. Somebody used a Teleporter and somebody yelled KOS This Person, he has a Teleporter, which is a T-item and a D-item, so how to know which item it is? This goes in against traitorous acts as it is a D weapon as well.